Automatically View Tickets Without Logging in to the Management Interface

SmarterTrack allows credentials to be passed through a URL to automatically open tickets in the default Web browser. For example, if a company used a third-party program in conjunction with SmarterTrack, the specialized URL can be used to allow the third-party program to automatically open a ticket and reply to it without ever logging in to the management interface.

Applies to SmarterTrack 6.x - 11.x

The specialized URL follows this structure:

  • http://[SmarterTrackURL]/login.aspx?username=[Username]&password=[Password]&redirecturl=[RedirectUrl]

The above URL contains placeholder values:

  • SmarterTrackURL - The URL to the SmarterTrack portal.
  • UserName - The username for the agent logging in to the management interface.
  • Password - The associated password for the username.
  • RedirectURL - The encoded URL to the page (ticket) that you want to open. NOTE: By default, the ticket page URL is not encoded, so system administrators will need to encode it themselves.

In the example URL below, the SmarterTrackURL is, the username is jsmith, the password is 123456 and the RedirectURL is

  • http:/


Learn more about SmarterTrack's live chat, self service portal and knowledge base software.