Add a Live Chat Image to a Company Website

To give customers the ability to initiate live chats from a company website, you will need to add a live chat image to your website. The image will also let customers know if live chat is offline or online.

Applies to SmarterTrack 12.x

Add a live chat image
Follow these steps to create a live chat link:
  1. Log in to the SmarterTrack management interface as a system administrator.
  2. Click the Settings Icon.
  3. Expand the Configuration folder in the navigation pane.
  4. Click Live Chat.
  5. Click the Live Chat Links tab in the content pane.
  6. Click Add in the content pane toolbar.
  7. Click the Options tab. Use this tab to specify the title of the link, refresh rate, basic styling and the departments to which the live chat link corresponds.
  8. Use the Live Chat Online and Live Chat Offline tabs to configure the live chat links used when live chat is online or offline, including the type of display, anchor title, or introduction text.
  9. Click Save.
Generate a live chat script
Follow these steps to generate the live chat script to be used on your company's web site:
  1. Login to the SmarterTrack management interface as a system administrator.
  2. Click the Settings icon.
  3. Expand the Configuration folder in the navigation pane.
  4. Click Live Chat.
  5. Click the Website Integration tab in the content pane.
  6. Select the desired Live Chat Link and Host Header.
  7. Change the Control ID if needed.
  8. Copy the script text displayed in the text boxes to use on your website. (For embedded-type live chat links, available in versions 12.x and newer, the script found in the textbox 'Put the following on your page where you want your chat link to appear:' should be placed in the website's footer as positioning is determined by live chat settings.) 


Applies to SmarterTrack 7.x - 10.x

Follow these steps to add a live chat image to your company’s website:

  1. Log in to SmarterTrack as a system administrator.
  2. Click Management Interface in the portal.
  3. Click the settings Icon.
  4. Expand the System Settings and Live Chats folders in the navigation pane.
  5. Click Live Chat Links. A list of live chat links will load in the content pane.
  6. Click New in the content pane toolbar.
  7. Click the Options tab. Use this tab to specify the title of the link, refresh rate and the departments to which the live chat link corresponds.
  8. Click Generate Script. SmarterTrack will automatically generate the Live Chat Link Script, which you will insert into the company website HTML to allow customers to initiate live chats from the website and to display the live chat offline or online image on the website.
  9. Click the Live Chat Online tab. Use this tab to specify the image that will display when Live Chat is available. Complete the Image Link and Description fields. The remaining fields are optional.
  10. Click the Live Chat Offline tab. Use this tab to specify the image that will display when Live Chat is unavailable. Complete the Image Link, Description, and Navigate URL fields. The remaining fields are optional.
  11. Click Save.


Learn more about SmarterTrack's live chat, self-service portal and knowledge base software