Offer Surveys Using the Event System

This article applies to SmarterTrack 14.x and earlier. View articles for recent versions.

SmarterTrack's survey feature allows companies to request customer feedback, giving managers the ability to gauge customer satisfaction and loyalty. The survey feature can also be used to evaluate an agent's ability to resolve a customer's issue to the customer's satisfaction.

Administrators can use surveys in conjunction with the events system to automatically send surveys to customers when a specific event occurs. For example, a system administrator may configure SmarterTrack to send a customer a survey after the ticket has been closed. NOTE: Surveys must be created prior to offering them to customers. For information on creating surveys, refer to the KB article Create a Survey

Applies to SmarterTrack Enterprise 11.x-12.x

To automatically offer a survey when a ticket in a specific group is closed, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the SmarterTrack management interface as an administrator.
  2. Go to Settings >> Configuration >> Events.
  3. Click New on the content pane toolbar.
  4. In the Name field, type the name of the event.
  5. In the Category field, select Tickets from the list.
  6. In the Type field, select Ticket Status Changed from the list.
  7. Click OK.
  8. In the Options tab, select the Status checkbox. Select Equals and Closed from the dropdown lists.
  9. Select the Group checkbox. Then select Equals and the appropriate group from the dropdown lists.
  10. Click the Actions tab.
  11. Click Add Action.
  12. In the Action field, select Offer SurveyNOTE: Surveys will only be sent for closed tickets if there is at least one incoming message present.
  13. Set the maximum frequency by selecting the appropriate option from the list.
  14. In the Survey To Offer field, select the desired survey from the list.
  15. Click Save two times.


Applies to SmarterTrack Enterprise 6.x - 10.x

To automatically offer a survey when a ticket in a specific group is closed, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the SmarterTrack management interface as an administrator.
  2. Click the settings icon.
  3. Expand the System Settings and Events folders in the navigation pane and click System Events.
  4. Click New on the content pane toolbar.
  5. In the Name field, type the name of the event.
  6. In the Category field, select Tickets from the list.
  7. In the Type field, select Ticket Status Changed from the list.
  8. Click OK.
  9. In the Options tab, select the Status checkbox. Select Equals and Closed from the dropdown lists.
  10. Select the Group checkbox. Then select Equals and the appropriate group from the dropdown lists.
  11. Click the Actions tab.
  12. Click Add Action.
  13. In the Action field, select Offer Survey. NOTE: Surveys will only be sent for closed tickets if there is at least one incoming message present.
  14. Set the maximum frequency by selecting the appropriate option from the list.
  15. In the Survey To Offer field, select the desired survey from the list.
  16. Click Save two times.

All other settings are optional. For more information, refer to the Events Overview section of the SmarterTrack Online Help.


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