How to create read only account
Question asked by Vikram Agarwal - 3/19/2025 at 4:24 AM
I want to know how to create a read only account for some users, where they can view the mail but can't delete it, also able to receive new mails in view mode only, outgoing is not important

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Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hi, Vikram

While there's not a way to create a "read-only" user, you can create a user, then share their Inbox with others. For each person or group you share that Inbox with, you can set their permissions as "read-only". That will make an Inbox folder appear in their folder list, and they can see emails in that Inbox, but they can't interact with them in any way. That should accomplish what you want. 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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