iPhone unable to access Smartermail
Question asked by Mark Thornton - Yesterday at 3:12 PM
I have a user with an iPhone 15 that can no longer connect to SmarterMail. It used to work with the Outlook app, but similar to my own experience that functionality has died. We are now trying to create a mail account through the default app, connecting to Exchange, and it just pops up a message saying unable to verify account.

I find connections in the autodiscover log with the username, but I don't it them in any other logs. I'm lost on how to get this user with email again. Do I need to kick it down to imap or pop3? 


Crisis averted... the default mail app now appears to be working via EAS with a bunch of lines in the log now. No idea why it was throwing errors during the config phase.

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Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Glad you got it working. iPhones can be a bit finicky at times. 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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