Direct link to online meeting as guest
Question asked by Daniele (TDBnet) - Yesterday at 8:03 AM
Hello! There is a simple way to open an online meeting directly as a guest, without asking before for username and password?

If I send an online meeting link to an external participant, It sees the main login page with a little "Login as a guest" link.
The participant almost always try to login using its own (invalid) mail credentials or similar errors, and call me by phone due to "connection issues". So I have to tell him to click on "Login as a guest".

Is there a simple additional suffix to the link to skip directly to the "login as a guest" page?

Thank you

2 Replies

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Ciaran Morgan Replied
Alternatively, do away with the "Login as a guest" link and assume that the entered email address is a guest if it is not part of the meeting domain.  If so, then ask for name and meeting password (if one exists)

Daniele (TDBnet) Replied
Sorry but I do not understand. If the participiant try to enter its mail address (out from SM, e.g. xyz@gmail.com), SM simply gives an authentication error.

In other words, my questions is: can I connect to an online meeting using a URL like https://smartermailurl/interface/meeting#/code.domain/guest to connect directly as a guest?

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