Using SPOOL Proc and changing destination recipient
Question asked by Merz Official - 2/26/2025 at 11:52 AM
I just need clarification on the following.  I have a node.js script that watches the Proc folder and processes files in there looking for certain criteria.  IF I should want to change WHO the email is going to (re-route it to another inbox) -- would I just change the "To: email@address.com " in the HDR?  Do I need to change it multiple places (including the .EML file too?).  I do know that after changing things, I need to move it back to the SPOOL folder to continue processing. 

Help me properly snag and re-route emails! Thank you in advance! 

2 Replies

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Merz Official Replied
Looking further through the forums it appears that the HDR file is pretty irrelevant.
Am I right in saying that I only need to modify the EML file and put it back in spool? 
And if so, are there multiple places in the .EML file that I should worry about? Or just the To: line (if I want to change the destination recipient) 

Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
There are two ways to handle that depending on how you're setup currently. If you handle messages in the normal subspool folders you'll just need to modify the HDR because we use that to address the EML. If you want to place them back in the drop folder though you'll need to modify the EML because we don't process HDRs in that folder. 
Kyle Kerst IT Coordinator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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