Use To: / Use received address from message on reply
Problem reported by Rod Strumbel - 2/14/2025 at 12:30 PM
First time trying to implement the "Use received address from message on reply", looks like in the older versions it was an option called "Use To:"....   I can't for the life of me get it to work.  Have tried setting it up on 8451 and on 9168.

In both instances, I setup to have a mail   m1@abc.com
that forwards all messages to m2@abc.com (and does not delete the message).
m2@abc.com I have setup with the "Use received address..." turned on.

The DESIRE is that when the user of the m2@abc.com mailbox replies to any messages, the sending address should appear as m1@abc.com and not m2@abc.com.

But, I'm still seeing the m2@abc.com whenever a reply is sent.

Does this not work?  Or am I misinterpreting the proper way to setup something like this?

The scenario is we have a client with a single point of entry to their helpline service.
That forwards anything that comes in to 4 different mailboxes (the forwarding works fine).
Whenever anybody replies to a messages however, they want it to appear as from helpline@x.com and not the individual users (so that people do not start mailing them directly in the future).


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Daniel Replied

I have a simmilar case (10 people work on one mailbox):
Perhaps it helps here is my setup:

Everyone opens webmail with his one proper mailbox.
There is A Mailbox called "info@domain.com" this one has its Folders shared with a "shared group" with those 10 People inside. And i have added every of the 10 People as a cathegory (colormarkings).

In every of those 10 Peoples account i have setup under "settings" -> "connectivity" -> "SMTP" i have put in the login to "info@domain.com" (with as server address).
(under "settings" -> "signature" you can even define the default signature if you select the "info@domain.com)

This means they have to possebility of selecting this adress as the "from adress". (if you reply on a email in the "info@domain.com" mailbox it will automaticly select info@domain.com as the sender .

For me this works best as the 10 people "helpdeskagens" can categorise mails in the "info@domain.com" with teyr proper color (this prevends others people from working on the same mail, in addition if there are questions everyone can see who worked on this email).

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