Sync SmarterMail to Outlook (new)
Question asked by Ron Vogel - 2/8/2025 at 3:55 PM
I have a new desktop with Windows 11 and Outlook (new). I am trying to set up my email sync to SmarterMail.

I am using the exact same settings and ports as I used in my older version of Outlook 2016. But I can't get it to work in the new Outlook version. I was using it as a POP3.
Incoming port 110. 
Outgoing port 865


6 Replies

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Rafael Grecco Replied
I have the same problem.

The "New Outlook" doesn't work, can't connect any account:

Versão do Microsoft Outlook: 1.2025.205.100 (Production)
Versão do Cliente: 20250131002.11
Versão do WebView2: 133.0.3065.59

The "Outlook Classic" works perfectly without any issue.

Versão 2501 (build 18429.20132)

Any ideas?
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
The issue is the "New" Outlook. This is not a SmarterMail issue.

When the New Outlook was initially released, it only worked for POP/IMAP connections to a few providers: Hotmail, O365, Gmail, and Yahoo! Other connections were said to be coming, but for the time being those were the only connection types supported. The New Outlook couldn't even connect to on-premises versions of Exchange. This is why we always told people to move to "Legacy" Outlook as that was more forgiving and worked across platforms, or to move to a different client altogether. 

As the New Outlook has matured, it allegedly supports IMAP connections from third parties. (No word on POP, though.) However, people are still complaining that they are having issues connecting via IMAP. In addition, the larger issue is that, even when connecting to your mail account via a third party provider (like your own account that's hosted by your business, organization, or even by yourself), your information is passing through Microsoft servers. Here's a good article on what that means -- https://www.xda-developers.com/privacy-implications-new-microsoft-outlook/ -- and we'll have a blog post coming up about it as well. 

So, if you have the ability to switch back to "Legacy" Outlook, take it. A better solution, however, is to move off of Outlook altogether and explore other clients. Our recommendation is to look at eM Client as it mirrors much of Outlook's functionality, but is much easier to use, is more reliable, and doesn't come with the data concerns that Microsoft does. 

Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Rafael Grecco Replied

Thank you for the information, Derek.

I’ve actually tried to get some of my clients to migrate to eM Client, which I really like. However, many organizations are very resistant to making this switch, especially since they already pay for an Office package and want to use the tools they’re paying for.

That said, I’ll make sure to inform them that the New Outlook doesn’t work properly and recommend reverting to "Legacy" Outlook or considering alternatives like eM Client.

Thanks again for the insights and the article link. I’ll take a look and keep an eye out for the blog post.

Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
@Rafael: This might be a good chance to sell them something like OnlyOffice/Owncloud/etc :-) They could have all the powerful tools they get with O365/Office but for free - minus hosting costs payable to you of course ;)
Kyle Kerst IT Coordinator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Mike Mulhern Replied
I looked at eM Client but their address auto-complete (at the time) functioned as poorly as SM Webmail's.  Best bet is for SM Webmail to get address auto-complete to work better and disposed of email clients all together.

Just FYI, Microsoft is now forcibly installing "Outlook (new)" onto windows computers (windows 10 too). I did a bunch of updates over the last few days and low and behold "outlook (new)" was tossed onto all of them without us asking for it.  So I am sort of anticipating this is going to be a larger problem here over the next few months as clients go "oh, hey let me try this "NEW" outlook"  and then get all bent when it does not do what they are hoping it to do.  
fargin Microsoft installing crap we never asked for.

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