Disabling Newsfeed and options for disabling cloud connections for specific users
Question asked by Pusparaj Raut - 1/9/2025 at 1:36 AM
  1. Disabling Newsfeed for All or Specific Users:
    Is there a way to disable the Newsfeed feature for all users  in the system? If yes, what steps should I follow to achieve this?
  2. Disabling Cloud Connections for Specific Users:
    I would like to restrict cloud connection features (e.g., file storage or synchronization with third-party cloud services) for certain users . Can this be done, and how should I proceed?
I appreciate any help or documentation references you can provide on these configurations.

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Tony Scholz Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer

Currently, the News Feed option can not be disabled in the settings. Cloud Storage can be disabled at the domain level but not per user. To disable it at the domain level you will need to go to manage -> domains -> {selected_domain} -> option [tab] -> features [card]

Thank you 
Tony Scholz System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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