Weird issue with Outlook Mobile Apps
Question asked by Tan - 12/11/2024 at 12:58 AM
A few months ago, we encountered a peculiar issue with a client who needed to reconfigure their email account on the Outlook mobile app after changing phones. For reasons unknown at the time, the setup repeatedly failed. Initially, we assumed it was a phone-specific issue. However, as similar cases arose (e.g., users changing phones or resetting their passwords), a pattern emerged: existing users of the Outlook mobile app were unaffected, but anyone trying to reconfigure or set up their account from scratch was unable to do so.
To investigate further, I submitted a support ticket to SmarterTools. Interestingly, they confirmed experiencing the same issue. Their response (Ticket 30D-2ED93A29-002B, for reference) aligned with what our customers have reported.

I am able to set up the account without any issues within eM Client, Outlook for Desktop, Thunderbird and several mobile mail applications but I am also having the same issue with Outlook for mobile. Unfortunately because of the way this is set up, my suggestion would be to update to our latest build and see if you still have the same issue.

SmarterTools has requested that we upgrade our server to the latest build for testing. However, my main concern is that currently, only a small number of users have reported the issue. I'm worried that upgrading might introduce problems for existing users who are not currently experiencing any issues.

Since I don’t have access to a SmarterMail server running the latest build, would anyone be able to kindly create a test account for me to use for further testing?

4 Replies

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Couldnt Smartermail make a test account for you on their test rigs?

That would be the wisest move since they are able to see whats going on when you try to replicate the issue on the latest build.
Tan Replied
Hi, they don't have as mentioned.
Ohhh well i just have to see what i can do
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Outlook Mobile funnels all mailbox traffic through their autodiscover/middle-man services and a lot of the time when we see issues like this it is due to them having something cached on their end such as the old password. One workaround/trick that might work is adding the account back in Outlook Mobile using the old password, then removing it again and choosing the option to remove the account from ALL devices. That should force the Outlook services to flush out any cached account data so that the next attempt is a fresh sync to the SmarterMail server. 
Kyle Kerst IT Coordinator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Tan Replied
Yes I understand. However, the problem lies with using a fresh new devices when client lost / damaged the old phone has this same problem.

I guess I have to spend time to deploy a test environment trying to replicate this instead then.

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