Share What's in Development
Idea shared by kevind - 11/14/2024 at 1:25 PM
Under Consideration
After reading this post about which build is most stable here's an idea to consider...

SmarterTools could publish what the developers are working on for the next build. This would give us admins an idea of the fixes and features coming soon, so we could plan our deployments.

Of course, no judgement if the next build doesn't have a few of the items. But for all of us supporting existing servers, having an idea of what's coming next would be very beneficial for planning purposes.


11 Replies

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Jereming Chen Replied
Employee Post
This is difficult to do because after we compile, we test which fixes are stable and if we find a problem, we would need to remove the noted fix from the pre-released notes. Therefore creating an expectation for a fix that is still in the testing phase. We generate the release notes for builds that have fixes that have been confirmed by testing and are ready for release. Hope that helps.
Jereming Chen System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Wow, 8 negative votes. Thanks for all the support. 😂

I modified the original post to remove "Release Notes" so that it should be more acceptable.
That's the first time I see a thread with negative vote score, as far as I remember.
Still, I don't understand why though.

Here you are with an add positive vote :)
Sébastien Riccio System & Network Admin https://swisscenter.com
Thanks Sébastien! Looks like I got enough positive votes to offset the -8. :)

Checked for new build today and had idea... If you don't want to share what fixes and features are being worked on, maybe share when the next build will be out. That would help customers with planning for testing & deployment.

FWIW, Microsoft publishes an update of what's coming soon:
Of course there's a disclaimer at the top that says there are no guarantees.
Zach Sylvester Replied
Employee Post
Hello Everyone, 

Although we don't have an official roadmap page, I believe it could be beneficial. I will discuss this with the team during our next meeting. However, we do often communicate what we are currently working on. Here is an excerpt from an email we sent a few days ago.

Kind Regards, 
Zach Sylvester Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Hello Zach,

thanks for the excerpt.
Unfortunately, I did not receive the email.

Hello Zach,

I did not receive this email neither. Do you know the date it was sent ?

Kind regards
Sébastien Riccio System & Network Admin https://swisscenter.com
Zach Sylvester Replied
Employee Post
Hi Sebastien,

The email was sent out on December 3rd. However, I'm not certain whether it was sent to all customers or just a select few. I will check with our marketing team to confirm.

Kind regards,
Zach Sylvester Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Oliver and Sebastién,

I do know that the referenced email doubled as a promotion for our reinstatement discount which could mean it was only sent to customers with an inactive M&S. That would explain why you two didn't receive it. 

Best regards,
Jorel, thank you for your answer.

First, it's awesome to see that SmarterTools is planning more integration with Zoom. We use the Zoom platform for Meetings, Team Chat, Whiteboards, Docs, and Phone. Unlike MS Teams, Zoom doesn't (currently) offer a built-in email solution, but clearly has strength in the other areas. We'd certainly appreciate more tight integration between the Zoom and SmarterMail platforms, for sure.

Speaking of Zoom... they offer something called "Preview Notes" that provide licensed owners and admins with information about upcoming features in Zoom products (they're not shared publicly). The stated mission in doing that is to help admins plan their implementation and end-user rollout. It has certainly helped us to be 30-60 days ahead of the release to start planning. *Yes, some things previewed don't release until future cycles or get tweaked/changed, but it helps share short term awareness. I think it's a nice model to consider in relation to this thread.

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