How do I access my account to view email.
Question asked by Robert Repko - 11/6/2024 at 8:36 AM
Every time I login I'm taken to the configuration page, not my page to access email.  
I use the web address mail.rsquared.org
What am I doing wrong

6 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hello Robert,

It sounds like you might be using an administrator login. Can you tell me the username you use to login?

Best regards,
Robert Repko Replied
I created a user called rtr.  Thinking there would be a separate administrative web page I also created rtr under administrators.  When I kept getting the configuration page upon login I realized that there was no separate webpage for administration so I deleted the account rtr under administrators but I continue to get the configuration page upon login as rtr.
Employee Replied
Employee Post

If you add @whateverdomain.com to the end of rtr it should log you right in. Can you try that out and let me know if it works?

Sébastien Riccio Replied
Maybe you've set your user rtr@whateverdomain.com as the domain administrator for domain whateverdomain.com ?

Sébastien Riccio System & Network Admin https://swisscenter.com
Robert Repko Replied
I'm embarrassed to say I was using an administrator account.  I thought I had deleted my account from being an administrator but upon checking I didn't.  I have now deleted the account from being an administrator.  Now when I log in I do get my to see the Inbox.  Thank you for taking the time to r4spond to my question.
Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hello Robert,

No problem at all, we're glad to hear that you figured it out. 

Best regards,

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