Endless loading / Not Responding
Problem reported by echoDreamz - 10/2/2024 at 3:58 PM
I've seen it as well as a quite a few customers have reported issues with the web interface where it just stops responding. Login, "Welcome back ...." and then it just sits there, sometimes for hours until you give up and refresh and then you move on. Sometimes it's opening an email, the spinner comes up and just sits, refresh the browser and everything works fine again. Or open an account setting and none of the options populate, until you refresh.

Our control panel will also experience random timeouts when getting info from the API or after waiting several minutes, an empty response is returned instead of JSON data (our control panel talks directly to SM, thru the Kestrel server, not IIS).

Server CPU etc. is very low, it's not being overworked, our external disk array usage is light as well.

Anyone else seen anything similar? Never experienced this with the older fwk-based SmarterMail or before the 8893 update.

6 Replies

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Zach Sylvester Replied
Employee Post
Hello Echo, 

When you see this again can you open the inspect element window and see if there are any errors or failed network requests? Just for basic troubleshooting can you test the following. 

  1. Check the users computer time. Make sure its exact. 
  2. Disable all browser extensions. 
  3. Make sure that the browser is up to date. 
If all of this looks good please open a ticket with the support department. 

Kind Regards, 
Zach Sylvester Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Nageswara Rao Anumolu Replied
It can be related to what we are experiencing with one of our domains.
echoDreamz Replied
Worked with 2 customers on the issue. Time on their machines was "exact" and 1 user had a password manager extension and the other had no extensions at all. Both were using Chrome.

Nothing of anything useful in the dev console, no errors or anything. However,... the email preview pane would get stuck like this. No matter how many emails you'd change to or view, the email would load, but behind a greyed-out window with the chaser spinning.

What build are you on ?  I think I remember seeing that and it had to do with a session time out or something on Chrome It looks like you are logged in, but when you go to do an action it just spins.  If you close the tab and then reopen it, it worked, but I think it made you log in again too. I think it was 8797 we were seeing that, but we are on 9014 now and have not seen it since.

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Zach Sylvester Replied
Employee Post

In the newest version of SmarterMail we now log when there is a client with a time difference of 15 seconds or higher in the error log. Just make sure your error logs are set to detailed. 

Best Regards,
Zach Sylvester Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
echoDreamz Replied
Client was not more than 15 seconds difference. They provided a screenshot of time.is and indicated they were "exact".

As well as my rig is also "exact" time as well, this is not a time-related issue.

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