Logouts/Disconnects using Webmail
Problem reported by David Bartholomew - 9/23/2024 at 1:19 PM
I have a few Windows/Chrome users who are reporting that since we recently upgraded SmarterMail that they get logged out after being idle for awhile. Is there a setting in admin that I cannot find documented?  This was not an issue prior to the upgrade on September 10th.  

I have already asked the users to ensure that the PC clock is synced because I read that can cause this issue. The oddity to me is that I am in webmail all day and on my desktop or laptop whichever I am using I have never had this issue. 

Any suggestions will be welcomed especially since I cannot recreate it in any of the browsers I use Chrome, Edge (chromium), or Firefox on Win 10 and Win 11 PCs.  The client is also Win 11 with Chrome as their primary browser. 


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JerseyConnect Team Replied
We used to get the same periodic reports of webmail logouts, but haven't gotten one in 2 years. It was always the time settings being off between the PC and the server, even just a few seconds can trigger the issue. You can reproduce the condition by manually setting the wrong time on your PC and then log in to webmail.

You can also reach out to support and they'll send you instructions for capturing the logout activity with Fiddler and with the browser's developer tools.

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