New release today Build 9021
Question asked by Brian Bjerring-Jensen - 9/13/2024 at 12:37 AM

Build 9021 (Sep 13, 2024)

  • Added: A domain setting to disable sharing. (Notes, Tasks, etc.)
  • Changed: Domain length validation now occurs on new domain creation or when changing a domain's name.
  • Changed: SmarterMail now allows users to send messages to longer email addresses with the changes to domain length validation.
  • Changed: When the GAL is disabled, Trusted Sender status and availability notifications no longer reference the GAL.
  • Fixed: A new installation of SmarterMail on Linux can occasionally reference non-existent IP addresses resulting in an error.
  • Fixed: An issue where IDS Harvesting rules are triggered due to bad SMTP sessions that occur when a disk is full.
  • Fixed: An issue where messages listed in Waiting to Deliver can no longer be displayed.
  • Fixed: An issue where messages sent through printers and scanners can get stuck as Waiting to Deliver.
  • Fixed: Background cleanup of Online Meetings doesn't actually remove the meetings that need to be deleted.
  • Fixed: FROM address isn't populating properly when replying to emails sent to an alias.
  • Fixed: Setup wizard takes a very long time to complete when DNS checks are slow.
  • Fixed: SmarterMail accounts using Outlook (MAPI) are unable to interact with meeting invites from sent Exchange/M365 (MAPI) accounts.
  • Fixed: Some Domain Defaults are not propagating.
  • Fixed: Some responsiveness issues with the compose window and Auto-Complete list calls.
  • Fixed: Some User Defaults are not propagating.

Exiting news. Anyone care to test?

7 Replies

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MGWallace Replied
This is exiting news... if it works... we are really wanting to update SmartMail as it has been over a year since we've updated with all the issues we experienced in our last update. We are looking for good positive feedback from this amazing community before we make plans to execute the next update. Also, in the future, we are planning to go from Windows to Linux.
Christian Schmit Replied
Over the weekend we upgraded a server with 600+ domains to build 9021. No problems so far. (we are not using MAPI on this server)
MAPI/EAS is make and break for us... we cant afford to implement a broken update.

So holding off for the moment until the release is tested thorougly....
MGWallace Replied
Same with us. 80% of our users use MAPI/EAS with MS Outlook on their computers. If that were to stop, it wouldn't be good.
Christian Schmit Replied
We use EAS with Outlook and mobile devices but no MAPI.
Nick Jansen Replied
I have a small (less than 100 active mailboxes) server running SmarterMail Enterprise Build 9021 for Linux on Ubuntu Server 24.04.1. Most of my users use MAPI, several use EAS also on their phones, a few use IMAP/SMTP with Thunderbird, and a few more use webmail. I haven't extensively tested every feature, but basic functionality seems to be working for us: none of my users are reporting any problems at all, and I haven't run into any problems myself so far.
Reto Replied
We upgraded and had to revert back to 9008 as we had problems when reading emails with ColdFusion (ACF and Lucee) from the server.
It seems that that the used javax.mail package has problems decoding the internet message format starting with smartermail 9014. If have any software based on javax.mail connecting to your server you might wan't to verify that before upgrading.

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