OnlyOffice DocSpace Integration
Question asked by Michael Gralke Augusto - 9/11/2024 at 12:59 AM
OnlyOffice has several Products one being DocSpace for which they offer a free Cloud Account limited to 3 Users.

I was just wondering if anybody was able to connect SmarterMail to DocSpace which would avoid the need of deploying his own DocSpace Server.

The idea is to use just the OnlyOffice DocSpace Editors and not any other features.

A DocSpace Server at Vultr cost $28.80 which makes it very expensive considering the limitation of 20 sessions per Server.

OnlyOffice charges $8 to $12 per DocSpace Cloud User which is still to expensive when considering that IceWarp charges $2.3 per user which already includes their Mail Server with 1.2TB per User!

PS Just wondering if OnlyOffice could not be an (charged) Add-On offered by SmarterTools which would eliminate the need for each SmarterMail Admin running his own OnlyOffice Setup. Afterall one needs only a capable server plus the license.


Michael Gralke Augusto

GRALKE.COM - Business Communications

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Zach Sylvester Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hey Michael,

Thank you for bringing this question to the community! Currently, SmarterMail’s OnlyOffice integration does not support DocSpace. Instead of hosting your Document Server on Vultr, I suggest using a VPS from providers like DigitalOcean, AWS, or even your own server. You can follow the setup I posted here:
SmarterMail + OnlyOffice Integration Setup.
By doing this, you can adjust the port for the Document Server and host multiple instances on the same server using Docker, eliminating the need for additional servers. Here’s a brief overview of how the integration works, which might help clarify things:
  1. When you click "Edit Document" in SmarterMail, a new tab opens with the OnlyOffice editor from your Document Server.
  2. SmarterMail provides a callback URL and a document download link to the editor.
  3. After you make changes and close the tab, the Document Server sends the updated document link to SmarterMail, which downloads and saves the file.
This setup requires both the SmarterMail and Document servers to be accessible to each other.
One notable feature is that if the SmarterMail server goes down during editing, SmarterMail can still recover the document when it comes back online.
As for purchasing OnlyOffice as an add-on, I’m not able to comment on that at the moment.

Best regards,
Zach Sylvester Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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