13:25:33.386 [36438004] Delivery started for
mail@domain.com at 1:25:33 PM
13:26:33.536 [36438004] Added to SpamCheckQueue (1 queued; 0/30 processing)
13:26:33.536 [36438004] [SpamCheckQueue] Begin Processing.
13:26:33.537 [36438004] Blocked Sender Checks started.
13:26:33.590 [36438004] Spam Checks started.
13:26:33.590 [36438004] Spam Checks skipped: User authenticated
13:26:33.590 [36438004] Spam Checks completed.
13:26:33.590 [36438004] Removed from SpamCheckQueue (0 queued or processing)
13:26:39.569 [36438004] Added to RemoteDeliveryQueue (1 queued; 0/50 processing)
13:26:39.569 [36438004] [RemoteDeliveryQueue] Begin Processing.
13:26:39.571 [36438004] Sending remote mail from
mail@domain.com13:26:39.573 [36438004] MXRecord count: '5' for domain 'gmail.com'
13:26:39.577 [36438004] Attempting MXRecord Host Name: 'gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com', preference '5', Ip Count: '1'
13:26:39.577 [36438004] Attempting to send to MXRecord 'gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com' ip: ''
13:26:39.577 [36438004] Sending remote mail to:
jackemailg@gmail.com13:26:39.577 [36438004] Initiating connection to
13:26:39.577 [36438004] Connecting to (Id: 1)
13:26:39.577 [36438004] Binding to local IP 104.IPSERVER.33 (Id: 1)
13:26:39.579 [36438004] Connection to from 104.IPSERVER.33:50402 succeeded (Id: 1)
13:26:39.675 [36438004] RSP: 220 mx.google.com ESMTP 5614622812f47-3de22556d90si1035653b6e.60 - gsmtp
13:26:39.676 [36438004] CMD: EHLO mailout66.myserver.com
13:26:39.707 [36438004] RSP: 250-mx.google.com at your service, [104.IPSERVER.33]
13:26:39.707 [36438004] RSP: 250-SIZE 157286400
13:26:39.707 [36438004] RSP: 250-8BITMIME
13:26:39.707 [36438004] RSP: 250-STARTTLS
13:26:39.707 [36438004] RSP: 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
13:26:39.707 [36438004] RSP: 250-PIPELINING
13:26:39.707 [36438004] RSP: 250-CHUNKING
13:26:39.707 [36438004] RSP: 250 SMTPUTF8
13:26:39.707 [36438004] CMD: STARTTLS
13:26:39.738 [36438004] RSP: 220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS
13:26:39.760 [36438004] CMD: EHLO mailout66.myserver.com
13:26:39.801 [36438004] RSP: 250-mx.google.com at your service, [104.IPSERVER.33]
13:26:39.801 [36438004] RSP: 250-SIZE 157286400
13:26:39.801 [36438004] RSP: 250-8BITMIME
13:26:39.801 [36438004] RSP: 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
13:26:39.801 [36438004] RSP: 250-PIPELINING
13:26:39.801 [36438004] RSP: 250-CHUNKING
13:26:39.801 [36438004] RSP: 250 SMTPUTF8
13:26:39.820 [36438004] CMD: MAIL FROM:<
mail@domain.com> BODY=8BITMIME SIZE=4311
13:26:39.863 [36438004] RSP: 250 2.1.0 OK 5614622812f47-3de22556d90si1035653b6e.60 - gsmtp
13:26:39.863 [36438004] CMD: RCPT TO:<
13:26:40.082 [36438004] RSP: 250 2.1.5 OK 5614622812f47-3de22556d90si1035653b6e.60 - gsmtp
13:26:40.082 [36438004] CMD: DATA
13:26:40.113 [36438004] RSP: 354 Go ahead 5614622812f47-3de22556d90si1035653b6e.60 - gsmtp
13:26:40.425 [36438004] RSP: 250 2.0.0 OK 1724354800 5614622812f47-3de22556d90si1035653b6e.60 - gsmtp
13:26:40.425 [36438004] CMD: QUIT
13:26:40.456 [36438004] RSP: 221 2.0.0 closing connection 5614622812f47-3de22556d90si1035653b6e.60 - gsmtp
13:26:40.457 [36438004] Attempt to ip, '' success: 'True'
13:26:40.459 [36438004] Process delivery status notification step from recipient success. Recipient: [
jackemailg@gmail.com], Notify: [], LastError: [], RanDomainFilter: [False], RanGlobalFilter: False
13:26:40.459 [36438004] Delivery for
mail@domain.com to
jackemailg@gmail.com has completed (Delivered)
13:26:40.459 [36438004] Removed from RemoteDeliveryQueue (0 queued or processing)
13:26:42.567 [36438004] Removing Spool message: Killed: False, Failed: False, Finished: True
13:26:42.567 [36438004] Delivery finished for
mail@domain.com at 1:26:42 PM [id:36438004]