IP Bypass -> does this help page need an update ?
Question asked by Daniel - 7/29/2024 at 11:49 PM

This page (portal smartertools com/kb/a3592/sender-verification-shield-and-incoming-gateways.aspx) says: (there are whitespaces as i cannot post hyperlinks

Add Gateway IP(s) to IP Bypass
To continue using Sender Verification with incoming gateways, you need to add the gateway IP(s) to the IP Bypass list:
  1. Log in as the system administrator.
  2. Select the Settings tab.
  3. Select Antispam.
  4. Select the IP Bypasses tab.
  5. Click the New button.
  6. Add the IP(s) you want to bypass.
  7. Click Save. (There's no need to toggle either of the bypass settings -- you just want to bypass the IP entirely.)
I do not have an IP Bypass tab in Settings -> Antispam -> ???

2 Replies

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Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
That KB has been updated. The IP Bypass settings were moved to Settings -> Security -> Whitelist. Other than the location, the rest remains the same. Thanks for pointing it out!
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Daniel Replied

Ok but if i understand that correctly this is now called "Bypass IP for Spam Checks" ? and also message sniffing is beeing bypassed ?

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