Suggestions for Office Suites
Question asked by Barry Russell - 7/18/2024 at 6:49 AM
I just recently lost 2 customers to Microsoft 365 - one with 350 mailboxes (on-premise) and the other with 5 mailboxes (hosted). I was wondering what other SmarterMail partners were using as online office suites since this was one of the main reasons for leaving. Are you recommending the free version of Microsoft Office Online, Google Docs, OnlyOffice, Zoho, Icewarp Web Docs, etc.?

Personally, I am an advocate for app versions but online office suites seems to be the route customers are taking.

4 Replies

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Roger Replied
Tony Scholz Replied
Employee Post
Hello, I would suggest OnlyOffice as well. 
Tony Scholz System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Here in Europe we are going a different way...

A lot of people are leaving office365 due to compliance reasons.

They turn to LibreOffice
We have thousands of client computers that use Open Office and will likely switch to LibreOffice and it appears to be being updated more often.
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