Is it SmarterMail or eM Client?
When sending an email using an email alias and/or a domain alias from eM Client using EWS, "Return-Path: <>" gets added to the header.
When sending and email using an email alias and/or a domain alias from BlueMail or AquaMail using EWS, "Return-Path: <>" gets added to the header.
When sending from an email alias using EWS and eM Client, the header "Sender: <>" also gets added.
The issue is that the SPF always fails with the domain alias.
I don't know if it's some SmarterMail-eM Client "love affair" or if it's just eM Client, but I don't want the original domain / email address to show.
Any ideas how to get rid of return-path / sender in the header? I've tried playing with headers in email signing, but that does nothing.