Search in folders doesn't show all matches
Problem reported by Stefan Mössner - 4/16/2024 at 10:10 PM
Hi all,

I found out that the search in the folders doesn't show all matches any more. It only shows the newly received mails but not mails that are received some months ago. With the advanced search I can find the older items.

Do I have to recreate the indizes? And if so, how to do this?

I have SmarterMail build 8867 (Apr. 11, 2024) running.

Kind Regards

6 Replies

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Tim Uzzanti Replied
Employee Post
We are aware of the issue and it is already resolved.  It should work its way through QC and be released this week.  
Tim Uzzanti CEO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Gilbert Li Replied
Is it possible to highlight the search item with yellow background color ?
Example search the word from: abc@abc.com and the search result will be
Stefan Mössner Replied
Marked As Resolution
The search in folders is working again with build 8874. Thank you.

It's a great idea to highlight the matches as Gilbert Li has suggested.
Gilbert Li Replied
I updated to version 8888.
Using webmail, Search for a text I am looking for, it shows the result but the text is not highlighted in Yellow.

I have this in outlook and it is very useful.
Please consider to add this feature in the webmail search.

Patrick Jeski Replied
If you do add highlighting, please make it a settings option. I find highlighted search results to be more annoying than useful. 
Stefan Mössner Replied
You should open another thread for this great idea. With my thread you don't reach SmarterTools because it has another topic.

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