Which logs to troubleshoot API access?
Question asked by AWRData - 3/31/2024 at 9:03 PM
In which logs will I find API access attempts?  I need to troubleshoot my API scripts.

8 Replies

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AWRData Replied
Zach Sylvester Replied
Employee Post

Thank you for reaching out regarding this question. There isn't a log that will show failed API attempts. You can see successful actions in the administrative log but it will not show you if you're missing inputs etc. 
If you can share your script the community may be able to help you out here. 

Zach Sylvester Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
You can also check the IIS log files for your SmarterMail site as it may show specific error messages or other clues. Running something like Fiddler Web Debugger (with HTTPS decryption enabled) might also shed some light on the failure.
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
AWRData Replied
I am attempting to retrieve an authentication token using curl.

The file auth.json contains this:
I attempt to obtain an authentication token:
curl -d auth.json -H "Content-Type: application/json" -o token.txt https://webmail.mydomain.com/api/v1/auth/login-settings
This returns an http error 405, method not allowed.  Note -d implies -X POST.  This is what curl reports:
< HTTP/2 405
< allow: GET
AWRData Replied
I may have an answer which I will test, but wanted a preemptive post.  I am not sure where I got that URL, but it appears I am using the wrong URL for authentication.  More news soon.
AWRData Replied
I changed the URL to
(With obvious changes.)  Now I get a 400 error, with this returned in token.txt:

{"message":"Validation errors: [, Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: w. Path '', line 0, position 0.]","success":
Looks like my json packet might be malformed.
AWRData Replied
Marked As Answer
I fixed it.  The problem was a simple matter of understanding command line syntax.  The proper syntax when using json data contained within a file is to reference the file with the "@" prefix.  e.g.
curl -d @webmail.json -H "Content-Type: application/json" -o token.txt https://[SERVER_ADDRESS]/api/v1/auth/authenticate-user
The returned the expect HTTP 200 result, along with a token.txt file filled with expected data.
AWRData Replied
An example of doing the same thing in PowerShell using Invoke-WebRequest:

$response = Invoke-WebRequest -uri https://[SERVER_ADDRESS]/api/v1/auth/authenticate-user -ContentType "application/json" -Method post -Body ($api|ConvertTo-JSON)
In this, $api is a hash containing two elements: username and password.  You can also use json file data directly using Get-Content in the -Body argument.

If successful, $response will be a hash of the session data.  You can then extract what you need:
$content = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-JSON
In the exercise of authenticating, $content.accessToken will contain the authentication token we need.

This part is mostly academic for me, as my primary purposes put me in a non-PowerShell environment.  Nonetheless, this could prove useful later.

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