Understanding smartermail "build" versions and documentation on what changed?
Question asked by Dave Beckstrom - 3/23/2024 at 8:49 AM
I'm running smartermail enterprise 15.7 build 6970.  I'm having troubles with sporadic issues where the outlook desktop client can't delete emails for IMAP users.  Most of the time the deletes work fine but throughout the day you try and delete an email and nothing happens.  Starting and stopping the smartermail service on the server or exiting and restarting outlook seems to correct the problem.  However, the same issue causes outlook rules to fail saying it can't remove the message from the folder.

I thought the first thing I should do is see if there isn't a more current build I could try.  Not version...I can't upgrade because my version of windows server is older as well. I'm the only user so it's not worth me buying a new version of smartermail and upgrading the server software.

When I look at the legacy builds downloads I see build 6985 listed as available, for example, but it doesn't say for what version of smartermail nor is there documentation that I can find that describes what was fixed in the build.  Can anyone tell me where I can find that info?

9 Replies

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Listen.... you need to upgrade the server as well if thats the problem.

You cant be secure and run a server that old.
Dave Beckstrom Replied
Any thoughts on the questions I asked?
Douglas Foster Replied
You also did not specify Outlook version.   Outlook 2013 was a poor implementation of most every protocol.
Dave Beckstrom Replied
I'm on outlook 2021.  
Douglas Foster Replied
There were definitely IMAP bugs in SmarterMail that have been fixed over the years.  Now that MAPI is an option, IMAP is of little interest.
Outlook 2021 handles very poorly on old versions of MAPI/IMAP.

You need to upgrade since lots have happened over the years.
Jay Dubb Replied
@Dave Beckstrom - if you're the only user, have you considered the free version?  As other have said, an old (vulnerable) version of Smartermail is dangerous.  As you yourself said, your upgrade problem is also related to being on an old version of Windows Server... which is pure suicide on a public-facing server.  Nobody likes to fork over $$ to upgrade, but running your own server carries the responsibility to do it securely.  If your server gets compromised (or maybe it is already and you don't realize it), stealing your personal data isn't all that happens.  It could be used to relay spam/phishing, to spread infections, as a 'bot to attack other networks... none of it good.  Do yourself, and the net in general, a favor and DON'T run software and server platform that have widely known and exploitable vulnerabilities.
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Agreeing with Jay Dubb. With a lower tier cloud server on AWS and a free license of SmarterMail you could likely get onto the newest version pretty quickly and painlessly. 
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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