Build 8839 so far??
Question asked by Brian Bjerring-Jensen - 3/19/2024 at 8:03 AM
Are there any reports of problems?

So far everything has been running smoothly here.

7 Replies

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Adding an IMAP account to favorite folders doesnt survive a restart of outlook.
Jay Dubb Replied
We upgraded from 8451 (the "old" version dated Feb 2023) to 8839 this past weekend.  Enough time had passed since beta ended, plus we have a customer who needs to migrate boxes from Exchange 365-- and that required the "new" authentication piece not present in 8451.  Here are some of our immediate observations:

  • Certain mailing lists converted with "broken" throttling config, such that mail to those lists was immediately throttled.  Ticket was opened and they're looking into it.  Near as we can tell, it only affected older lists.  Lists created under 8451 seemed unaffected.  We fixed it by manually updating the throttling limits.
  • Some users with Forwarding set, found forwarding had been turned Off after the upgrade.  They had to switch it back On.
  • A few users started getting calendar alerts from events way in the past... 2023 and earlier in 2024.

Now, some credit where it's due.  We've also noticed:

  • CPU utilization is WAY lower.  On a dual-Xeon Dell R450, we saw daily (weekday) sustained CPU in the 50% range on 8451.  On 8839 that has dropped to around 10% on average.  So that was a HUGE improvement in efficiency.  
  • RAM usage seems to be a bit more stable also.  We used to frequently see spikes above 90 GB under 8451 and prior.  On 8839, that seems to have smoothed out and remains in the mid 50 GB range in a more stable manner.
  • Web interface is noticeably snappier, more responsive.  We're not completely in love with some of the changes in where to find things, but performance is definitely better.
To be fair, this is only our first week on the "new" version and some of that love may be just "new car smell" that will wear off, but so far we are quite pleased with the improved efficiencies and more predictable resource utilization.  Time will tell.

Getting shitloads of IMAP errors on all accounts.

Tim Uzzanti Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Please use build 8867 which includes changes for subscribed folders.  Something has changed in Outlook / IMAP in rare cases that can cause folders to act as if they are not subscribed.  
Tim Uzzanti CEO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Subscription works Tim.... just updated. Adding IMAP accounts is flawed.
Tim Uzzanti Replied
Employee Post
Adding an IMAP account is flawed? What value is there to post if you provide no info?  We have no tickets related to adding IMAP accounts with any clients.
Tim Uzzanti CEO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
I wish I would have recorded it.... or took some screenshots from outlook.

Sorry I didnt.

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