Webmail and Firefox
Problem reported by Cris Mead - 3/18/2024 at 7:41 AM
Started having issues when using Smartermail's Webmail and firefox. I havn't determined if a firefox update broke anything. (smartermail version 8825, firefox version 123.0.1)

My issues are:
  • Logging in successfully does not remove the login screen and load the mail page. But logging in, then refreshing the page it will load properly.
  • popup windows, like when deleting multiple emails, I can not click either Cancel or Delete.
  • While logged in as administrator, I can not click on "Mailing lists" tab when checking domains, clicking on it changes the 'button' colour like it's been presses, but it does not load.
  • Again as admin, the screen is refreshing weird, hard to reproduce. but the top menus will be in the middle

4 Replies

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Is it only firefox ?
Do you happen to have PLESK installed on the server ?
We had a similar issue 
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Cris Mead Replied
Update: Build 8839 seems to have fixed it all
Rod Strumbel Replied
Latest release of Firefox has stability issues.
We use it for prototyping web developments and it is crashing regularly.
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
I had some similar click behavior issues in Chrome over the last couple of weeks too. They seem to come and go but when it happens absolutely nothing works the way it is supposed to. I wonder if this is one of the dreaded downsides to common engine frameworks in our browsers!
Kyle Kerst System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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