Duplicated messages in Sent box, Duplicated Calendar events, and flood of Outlook Sync issues that are in the Deleted Items - Outlook MAPI Accounts
Problem reported by Michael - 2/22/2024 at 12:11 PM
Strange issue that started to pop up slowly last week and now prevalent in last 24 hours... 
Most of our Outlook MAPI users have duplicated messages in Sent Items, duplicated Calendar events, and a flood of Synchronization Log: messages that should show in the "Sync Issues" area of Outlook, but instead are flooding into the Deleted Items box. Result is Outlook wants to keep crashing. Moving our users now to Webmail as a backup.

We've opened support ticket on this last night, but checking here to see if anyone has anything similar. 
So bizarre.

6 Replies

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Roger Replied
What version of SmarterMail are you using?
Michael Replied
SmarterMail Enterprise
Build 8797 (Feb 1, 2024)
Michael Replied
Going to try updating to Build 8818 (February 22, 2024) just released and will check.
Tim Uzzanti Replied
Employee Post
That is bizarre and we have not had anything reported like that.  I looked at the ticket you started at 1:30am and we will need much more than the handful of log lines you sent. Can you please update your ticket with:

1) What was the previous version of SM you were running prior to 8797?
2) Have you done other updates to your server?
3) Did you restore or delete any files on the server?  
4) Did you use other tools or clients recently? 
5) Did you update or change Outlooks?
6) Please provide a list of users with the issue. 

If you want to speed things along, you can also submit an RSA so we can take a look once we have the information above and have an idea what to look for.

I'm guessing the account on the server itself doesn't show duplicates and Outlook it is the only thing showing duplicates. If sync issues are going into deleted, that means Outlook lost its conifugarton information.
Tim Uzzanti CEO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Michael Replied
Roger. We're digging in more now and will reply with details to the ticket.
We were on Build 8790 before 8797. All users on MAPI/Outlook are affected on same domain.
We're going to try fully deleting one users Outlook profile/resyncing etc. and then I'll get back to Andrew on the ticket in an hour or tow.
Tim Uzzanti Replied
Employee Post
Please include how many users are on that domain and how many were using Outlook?  There is no way to recover when Outlook loses its configuration.  This will require removing the account and data (app data) so that all can be pulled from the server again.  The details and exact numbers of everything are very critical.  
Tim Uzzanti CEO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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