Continually "Updating Calendar"
Problem reported by Larry Townsend - 2/1/2024 at 7:05 AM
Mapi Client has "Updating Calendar" continually as status, that may be preventing mail to sync. Any ideas on a repair or fix?

7 Replies

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Rudolf Lindinger Replied
I have now at one client (Outlook 2021) the same problem. In the status bar from outlook there is always updating calendar, but it will not - so the new calendar entries are not being synced - next time starting outlook they are gone.
In the mapi log there is an entry:
Caller: [xxx] Owner: [xxx] Folder Id: [50009] Sync Type: Contents Sync Flag: Fai Sync Flag: Normal Sync Flag: Downloading Buffer Size: 47806 Maximum Buffer Size: 31680

But i do not know if this is the problem.
Any ideas?
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Hello gentlemen! This usually means you have an appointment in there that is causing you sync trouble. Have either of you tried going through this process here to see if it is resolved under a new profile?

If these issues persist after doing so I recommend submitting a ticket so we can assist you in getting to the bottom of this.
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Larry Townsend Replied
Thanks Kyle,
That did resolve the issue.
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
You're very welcome Larry! If you see that come back it may still hint at some problematic content in the account that eventually introduces sync issues, so in that case please submit a ticket and we'd be happy to help find it. 
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Rudolf Lindinger Replied
Hello Kyle, i made all the steps you said (https://portal.smartertools.com/kb/a3487/how-to-thoroughly-replace-your-mapi-account.aspx). After a few days the problem is here again. Outlook says "updating calendar" and nothing else works as it hangs at this step.
In the logfile i found the following:
[2024.05.24] 08:52:21.323 [{9977E3AD-3D50-4DEB-87BD-9831EA79445E}:21] [xxx@xxx.xx] Calendar Property Error: [0x9210] PidLidAppointmentRecur(Binary): 118 bytes
[2024.05.24] 08:52:21.341 [{9977E3AD-3D50-4DEB-87BD-9831EA79445E}:35] [xxx@xxx.xx] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
[2024.05.24]  LogonId:0 ResponseHandleIndex:0 InputHandleIndex:0 SaveFlags:8 payloadServerObjectHandleTable:1Caller: [xxx@xxx.xx] Owner: [xxx@xxx.xx]
I think thats the point where the syncing hangs.

Any ideas?

Rudolf Lindinger Replied
Hello Kyle, again i have the same error. Outlook says "updating calendar". It is the same Account as above. Logfile entry:
[2025.03.27] 10:33:55.513 [{833669DA-4619-44AA-BCCA-14340BBA5BCB}:20] [xxx.xxx] Calendar Property Error: [0x9210] PidLidAppointmentRecur(Binary): 118 bytes
[2025.03.27] 10:33:55.614 [{833669DA-4619-44AA-BCCA-14340BBA5BCB}:42] [xxx.xxx] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

What can i do?
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Hi Rudolf, sorry for the delay getting back to you on this. The error looks to be complaining about one of the MAPI properties. Specifically it is complaining about a recurrence value or setting, or likely relates to some recurring appointment in the account. I couldn't say which one without having access to a copy of the account though unfortunately, so I recommend getting a ticket submitted on this one so we can have development take a look. I see you had a similar ticket open some time ago (almost a year now) but we ended up closing it because we didn't end up hearing back. If we can get a reproducible copy of the account we can likely get it escalated for a fix.
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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