problem send email witch outlook 2021
Problem reported by Luca Girotto - 11/21/2023 at 8:46 AM
Hello everyone. I have the following problem: a user with Outlook 2021 when he sends an email with only A as distinatario no problem. if you send to A and also CC contacts, the emails arrive correctly to the recipients, but the CC contacts do not appear in the list of the recipient of the email. if I do the same operation from webmail instead the CC recipients are also displayed in the recipients' emails... Any ideas????... Thank you!

4 Replies

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Brian Bjerring-Jensen Replied
What version of Smartermail?
Luca Girotto Replied
SmarterMail Enterprise
Build 8664 (set 21, 2023)                    
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Are you able to confirm if you're selecting contacts from the Global Address List (via MAPI) or from the local contact list in Outlook? Something I've seen in the past is the local Outlook address book gets corrupted somehow leading to bad recipients being added to the outgoing message. Flushing out the local address book should help if that is the case. 
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Luca Girotto Replied
Thanks for the reply. I'm going to check the headings. I'll keep you posted.

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