Bug: Rules and content filtering not synchronized with eM Client
Problem reported by Roger - 11/4/2023 at 4:23 AM
Hello everyone

When I create a rule or content filtering in the SmarterMail 8706 webmail, this is not synchronized with the eM Client.

I have created a simple rule and then opened the "Rules" dialog in the eM Client via the menu. eM Client does not display the rule. Even if I create the rule as a server rule in the eM Client itself, this is not saved in SmarterMail. What is going on here? The synchronisation seems to be missing.

Thank you and best regards


9 Replies

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Brian Bjerring-Jensen Replied
Server side rules doesnt work in SM.
Roger Replied
Why not? I thought eM Client and SmarterMail had the same functionality and synchronization. Now you can create a rule in eM Client and this is not adopted in SmarterMail? Then it is not a server-wide rule if it is not adopted. I don't quite understand
Brian Bjerring-Jensen Replied
SM doesnt support server side rules AFAIK.
Roger Replied
As far as I know Brian, because you can create content filters and events (rules) in each e-mail account which are then executed on the server side. Click on Settings in Webmail and you will see the two tabs on the left.
Brian Bjerring-Jensen Replied
They dont propagate to the client.
Roger Replied
Yes that is what I mean, why it does not?
Ron Raley Replied
What about autoresponder, forwarding, calendar options, trusted/blocked senders, signatures, file sharing, events engine... not just content filtering/rules?

One of these may sync 4 sure.  However I don't see many user "settings" that do so.
Roger Replied
Hey Ron

So the automatic replies work for eM Client and Outlook see here https://de.emclient.com/blog/automatische-antworten-und-abwesenheitsnotizen-in-em-client-360. It is synchronized with the SmarterMail server.

I don't know where you can set forwarding in the eM Client or Outlook.

Which calendar options do you mean?

I don't know whether Trusted and Blocked Sender work or not, I haven't tried them yet.
Ron Raley Replied
First day of week, default duration of event, etc.

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