Bug: Rules and content filtering not synchronized with eM Client
Problem reported by Roger - 11/4/2023 at 4:23 AM
Hello everyone

When I create a rule or content filtering in the SmarterMail 8706 webmail, this is not synchronized with the eM Client.

I have created a simple rule and then opened the "Rules" dialog in the eM Client via the menu. eM Client does not display the rule. Even if I create the rule as a server rule in the eM Client itself, this is not saved in SmarterMail. What is going on here? The synchronisation seems to be missing.

Thank you and best regards


11 Replies

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Brian Bjerring-Jensen Replied
Server side rules doesnt work in SM.
Roger Replied
Why not? I thought eM Client and SmarterMail had the same functionality and synchronization. Now you can create a rule in eM Client and this is not adopted in SmarterMail? Then it is not a server-wide rule if it is not adopted. I don't quite understand
Brian Bjerring-Jensen Replied
SM doesnt support server side rules AFAIK.
Roger Replied
As far as I know Brian, because you can create content filters and events (rules) in each e-mail account which are then executed on the server side. Click on Settings in Webmail and you will see the two tabs on the left.
Brian Bjerring-Jensen Replied
They dont propagate to the client.
Roger Replied
Yes that is what I mean, why it does not?
Ron Raley Replied
What about autoresponder, forwarding, calendar options, trusted/blocked senders, signatures, file sharing, events engine... not just content filtering/rules?

One of these may sync 4 sure.  However I don't see many user "settings" that do so.
Roger Replied
Hey Ron

So the automatic replies work for eM Client and Outlook see here https://de.emclient.com/blog/automatische-antworten-und-abwesenheitsnotizen-in-em-client-360. It is synchronized with the SmarterMail server.

I don't know where you can set forwarding in the eM Client or Outlook.

Which calendar options do you mean?

I don't know whether Trusted and Blocked Sender work or not, I haven't tried them yet.
Ron Raley Replied
First day of week, default duration of event, etc.
Joseph Rebis Replied
I know this is a few months old, but do server side rules synchronize from EMclient to Smartermail yet? 
Roger Replied
As far as I can tell, unfortunately not.
Not even with the latest SmarterMail beta version 8909 and the latest eM Client beta 10

It's a shame because that's what I had hoped for.
What upsets me even more about eM Client is the fact that you can't reserve rooms like you can in Outlook.

And SmarterMail supports public folders such as conference rooms. For me, this is clearly a reason why I currently have to advise larger customers against eM Client.

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