Server Side Rules
Idea shared by Gabriele Maoret - SERSIS - 11/4/2023 at 3:47 AM
Is there any chance of finally seeing the "server side rules" implemented between Outlook and SmarterMail as they work with MS Exchange?
At the moment I think this is the biggest shortcoming that SmarterMail has in replacing MS Exchange...
Gabriele Maoret - Head of SysAdmins at SERSIS
Currently manages 6 SmarterMail installations (1 in the cloud for SERSIS which provides services to a few hundred third-party email domains + 5 on-premise for customers who prefer to have their mail server in-house)

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And groups.....

To date, it's the missing feature that causes us to receive the most customer complaints...
Gabriele Maoret - Head of SysAdmins at SERSIS Currently manages 6 SmarterMail installations (1 in the cloud for SERSIS which provides services to a few hundred third-party email domains + 5 on-premise for customers who prefer to have their mail server in-house)
AND losing customers to office365....
Yes, this is our number 1 complaint when we demo SM to potential pulls from O365 or in-house exchange peeps.
This is important. Server side rules should be implemented
this is important, yes. Any plans about integration in near future?
Any Update on Server Side Rules?

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