Autocomplete list location?
Question asked by Jay Altemoos - 10/31/2023 at 7:05 AM
Good day everyone,

Anyone know where the auto-complete list is stored? I am currently on build 8691 (beta). When we were on version 15.7 it used to be stored in KnownAddresses.xml. Is the auto-complete just pulling from the users address book? I found an acquaintances.json file that appears to have their address book entries. I am asking because one of my users mentioned they lost their auto-complete list and I am trying to track down where the issue is.

16 Replies

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Jay Altemoos Replied
Nevermind on this, it appears there is no autocomplete list anymore and just pulls entries from the user's addressbook. So the user that mentioned the issue I am having them add those people to their addressbook to solve this.
Tim Uzzanti Replied
Employee Post

There is an acquaintances.sbin file now instead of .json to improve the efficiency.  We also prioritize contacts and global address list and remove garbage emails and unsubscribes now.  We import what was there previously and clean some things out.
Tim Uzzanti CEO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Jay Altemoos Replied
Thank you for the clarification Tim. I appreciate it.
Donna Akin Replied
Hi Tim,

We just upgraded to the most recent Smartermail build and we had an employee reach out to say all of his auto complete were gone.   We looked in his folder and found he still has the acquaintances.json and not the sbin file.   When we send an email it is also not storing that email address.  We noticed several other mailboxes still have the .json folder as well.   Is there some type of conversion tool we can run to fix this?

Bruce Replied
Same issue here: some mailboxes have acquaintances.json, some have acquaintances.sbin, and some have both.
Webio Replied
I've reported this as ticket 207-2D54AD50-0B64. IMHO this is for sure something broken there. Even if this has been some kind of clean process then I've performed test to sent email from one mailbox to email which was never used as a recipient and sbin file has been not updated with this address.

Also I have some notifications from my customers that their address book has been wiped. I will report this to mentioned ticket also.
Tim Uzzanti Replied
Employee Post
We have three tickets on this and we are looking into it. It might be related to upgrading and downgrading various versions of SmarterMail.  We're trying various scenarios, having a hard time replicating. 
Tim Uzzanti CEO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Employee Replied
Employee Post
To add some more feedback on the file handling... 

  • Installations running Build 8664 and earlier should see and utilize an acquaintances.json file in the user's folder on disk. 
  • Brand new installations of Build 8747 and higher would see and utilize an acquaintances.sbin file in the user's folder on disk. 
  • For those who upgraded from Build 8664 or earlier to Build 8747 or higher, all active users should have both an acquaintances.json and acquaintances.sbin file. However, the JSON file should be there for historical purposes only. All new entries should be written to the SBIN file. 

If you have concerns that something's not right with your users' autocomplete handling, please submit a support ticket so we can review things directly. 
kevind Replied
This reminds me of an old thread:

So maybe this request is done and Auto-Complete doesn't use Sent Items any more?

Tim Uzzanti Replied
Employee Post
It behaves the same.  We just keep things a bit cleaner and remove unsubscribes and other garbage while we improved what is presented in the dropdown to be based on most active recipients etc. 
Tim Uzzanti CEO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Webio Replied
As far as I can see when .json and .sbin files are present inside mailbox directory then probably none of them is being used as autosuggestion and when new email is being sent then new email is not being added to .sbin file but to .json file even if upper comment suggest that .json is for historical purposes then it might be a bug which is updating json file instead of sbin.

Here you have example. Update times before sending email to new address:
Update time for .json file has been changed and for .sbin not.

Another thing is that as you can see .sbin file has update time to 21th of november and this is the time when I've upgraded my instance from Framework stable to latest Core stable in that time but it had bugs so I've reverted my instance from Core to Framework which left my mailboxes with both json and sbin files and it looks like .sbin files are not being updated at all since everywhere I've looked file update times are set to november.
Tim Uzzanti Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer

Support already explained to you how you got into this situation and that we accommodated this oddity/scneario with our next update.  

Please do not to modify or touch anything moving forward.  
Tim Uzzanti CEO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Webio Replied
I'm just helping to resolve this issue by sharing my observations with you using ticket and with people here which can see similar issues on their end. I'm not breaking things on my end. Screenshots which I've provided in my previous message where from mailbox files which was not modified in any way outside SmarterMail software. Other observarions which I've shared with you on ticket I've done are based on tests performed on separate almost testing environment form SmarterMail and I've made them just to speed things up a little for me and for you.

Also when it comes to support I didn't get any info yet that this scenario has been fully reviewed and that will be handled in next update so not blame me for still sharing my observations. I'm getting pushed more and more by clients about this so the more info you get the quicker this will be fixed right?
Bruce Replied
I am glad to see that this will be fixed in the next release, as half the mailboxes have acquaintances.json where autosuggest does not work, and the other half have acquaintances.sbin where auto-suggest does work.

I rebooted shortly after updating to the .NET Core version as the installer said that a reboot would be required after the update, persumally for me, this stopped the process of converting acquaintances.json to acquaintances.sbin failed to complete. 
Ron Raley Replied
We are receiving reports of this issue on our server as well.  Build 8818. Anyone know how to fix a single user?

Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Ron,

We saw this problem locally as well. Development is looking into it and we hope to have a resolution available soon. At this time, however, I'm not aware of any workarounds to resolve this for individual users. 

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