Question asked by Sabatino - 10/26/2023 at 2:57 AM
sorry for the ignorance.
Was trying smtp2go which I would like to use as emergency outbound gateway

But one thing isn't clear to me.

I've seen that they set a series of values on DNS but not SPF

But then the spf check passes.
Anyone have the patience to explain or can give me some references to documentation

Thank you
Sabatino Traini
      Chief Information Officer
Genial s.r.l. 
Martinsicuro - Italy

8 Replies

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Ron Raley Replied
I don't understand how an external gateway for emergency use is practical. If SmarterMail is down, nothing is going out. Maybe I don't know enough. Very likely, actually. 
Sabatino Replied
because you are imagining a scenario where your SM installation is broken.
But this is not the only case.
Imagine that your IP is rejected by some provider, sometimes because one of your users has done something bad, but sometimes also for invalid reasons.
Look at this case for example:

I assure you he is not the only one.
In this case an outbound gateway saves you
Sabatino Traini Chief Information Officer Genial s.r.l. Martinsicuro - Italy
Ron Raley Replied
Ahh, I see.  We have been blacklisted before, causing 3 days in bounces from specific providers.  One switch would be useful.
Sabatino Replied
Sorry if I bring up the topic again but I'm curious.
As I told you I was trying smtp2go and to verify the sender here is what it does to set on DNS
As you can see, the spf record is not modified

But then a message sent through them passes the spf check

How do they do it?
Sabatino Traini Chief Information Officer Genial s.r.l. Martinsicuro - Italy
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Perhaps they do some kind of conditional SPF with variables instead of static names, then the DNS values you input above factor into whether that overriding SPF check passes or not. I'm not familiar with it but that's my theory!
Kyle Kerst System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
J. LaDow Replied
They send email out on a via a subdomain host on the primary domain you specify, and match the SPF and DKIM to "that subdomain host" that sends out.

We've used them for about 5 years now -- stellar service although there are some drawbacks to their UI for managing a large amount of domains.

MailEnable survivor / convert --
Sabatino Replied
Thank you
Sabatino Traini Chief Information Officer Genial s.r.l. Martinsicuro - Italy
You can create a postfix for outbound with multiples IP's

in the master.cf you can create the macros with varios bounding Ip's
In the main.cf use the sender_dependent_default_transport_maps = randmap { macros names }
will be balance the delivery.

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