High Ram Usage And Service Down After Build8629
Problem reported by fatih.gulsuyu - 9/12/2023 at 2:31 AM

I have a SmarterMail server with estimately active 800 domains. My server always have 700-800 active connections and working without any problem with Build 8601.

When i upgraded to the Build 8629, server use all of the free RAM and Smartermail service become unresponsive. Smartermail service or server reboot resolve this issue for 30-60 minutes. After a period problem persists.

I wonder if anyone else has encountered this situation?

3 Replies

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Mike Mulhern Replied
If you search the threads I think there is something about this issue, on initial update all email boxes need to be reindexed which results in high cpu and ram usage until complete.  Hope this helps.
Howell Dell Replied
Check you JSON file sizes... This was the cause for us... Apparently, when JSON files are large then 10Mb you start filling up RAM, and you start getting lots of hard Memory Page Faults we well, as Windows wants to load the entire file contents into the memory. Since some of the JSON files are read a lot scanning memory adds to the CPU load.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Faith, 

I see you upgraded from Build 8601 to Build 8629. This shouldn't have caused any user conversions, reindexes or the like, so I'm afraid the high CPU/RAM is unexplained at this point. Is this problem still occurring? Or has it since resolved? 

If you're still seeing spikes, please open a support ticket so we can help to assist you. If the spikes have stopped and you have a backup of your SmarterMail installation from before your upgrade, you can still start a ticket as well. If you can provide the backup, we can stage it locally and see if this behavior can be reproduced. 

Kind regards,

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