SmarterMail 8545: have you updated? If yes, is everything ok or do you have any reports?
Question asked by Gabriele Maoret - SERSIS - 5/26/2023 at 1:08 AM
I just updated my 2 "guinea pig" servers to the new 8545 SM relase...

For the moment all is well, I will keep you updated if I have any reports...
Gabriele Maoret - Head of SysAdmins at SERSIS
Currently manages 6 SmarterMail installations (1 in the cloud for SERSIS which provides services to a few hundred third-party email domains + 5 on-premise for customers who prefer to have their mail server in-house)

15 Replies

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Ben Replied
Upgraded this morning because I told everyone yesterday that the last upgrade would fix everything so couldn't risk them happening to run across one of the bugs 8545 then resolved xD

It's not a busy server, but seems ok so far.
Gary P Replied
We have issues only since upgrading from 8451 to 8538. We subsequently upgraded to 8545 today to try to resolve below. Issue we are are seeing is Inbox does not show/download any email in the inbox (root folder only, sub folders inside the inbox appear to be ok). We have raised support ticket and they advised 8545 would resolve it but sadly not fixed the issue as yet.

This appears to be effecting only a couple of large mailboxes.

This applies to Outlook 365 using exchange (mapi) 

We are seeing sync errors such as:  (note: xxx.xxx.com is our server address redacted)

16:25:19 Synchronizing server changes in folder 'Inbox'
16:25:19 Downloading from server 'https://xxx.xxx.com/mapi/emsmdb/?MailboxId='
16:25:20 SyncMonitor triggered for Inbox (0x80004005)
16:25:20 Error synchronizing folder
16:25:20          [80004005-501-80004005-560]
16:25:20          The client operation failed.
16:25:20          Microsoft Exchange Information Store
16:25:20          For more information on this failure, click the URL below:
16:25:20 Done

16:25:27 Synchronizing local changes in folder 'Inbox'
16:25:29 Uploading to server 'https://xxx.xxx.com/mapi/emsmdb/?MailboxId='
16:25:34        1 view(s)/form(s) updated in online folder
16:25:34 Downloading from server 'https://xxx.xxx.com/mapi/emsmdb/?MailboxId=';
16:25:36 SyncMonitor triggered for Inbox (0x80004005)
16:25:36        1 view(s)/form(s) updated in offline folder
16:25:36 Error synchronizing folder
16:25:36          [80004005-501-80004005-560]
16:25:36          The client operation failed.
16:25:36          Microsoft Exchange Information Store
16:25:36          For more information on this failure, click the URL below:
16:25:36 Done
Hi Gary. Are youy running it in cached mode??
Gary P Replied
Brian  - Yes running in cached mode. If cached mode NOT selected Outlook does not start get an error "Cannot start Microsoft outlook. cannot open the Outlook window. The set of folders cannot be opened. The attempt to logon to Microsoft Exchange has failed"
Karl Jones Replied
As i mentioned in another thread, i completely removed Outlook profile and its 4 email accounts. This was in an attempt to see if it would fix the issues from the 8538 version, It did not.
I created a new profile and recreated all email accounts. NO Change in the Smartermail MAPI/EWS account, contacts and calendar updated but no emails.

Updated the Smartermail server to 8545. restarted my Outlook 2016 and email then started to sync and download.

I have not as yet got updates from my other users who were having other problems... more to come.
Webio Replied
Does someone of you is using latest version with incoming gateways? I've upgraded my pre latest version main SmarterMail instance to 8545 (I was using 8454 build for gateways since in later builds X-SmarterMail-SmartHostSpam was encoded which made this header unreadable by previous version main SmarterMail instance) and gateways too. I've noticed that even if they are both on the same version scoring passed by incoming gateways to main SmarterMail instance is not being taken under consideration for spam scoring:

X-SmarterMail-SmartHostSpamWeight: 94
X-SmarterMail-SmartHostSpamSalt: 353799128
X-SmarterMail-SmartHostSpamKey: 654633083
X-SmarterMail-Spam: DMARC [skipped]: 0
X-SmarterMail-TotalSpamWeight: 0
X-SmarterMail-SpamAction: None | NoAction
I've even reverted one of incoming gateways to previous build (8454) to make SmartHostSpam not encoded but this also was used for spam scoring. Can someone of you who is using SmarterMail as incoming gateways also take a look on that? Since this is something not working on main SmarterMail instance and reverting is not an option it would be good to have this confirmed by someone else too and pass that info to ST devs.

(all of my spam checks are being done on incoming gateways so now all of spam traffic is not being prefixed or moved to junk folder)


EDIT: Since this is 8545 build topic I just wanted to let you know that I've upgraded to this build from build before latest updates and so far so good. I have 25k users. I've upgraded on 7AM and since it is 2PM I think everything works just fine (of course we have weekend but I don't see also any support tickets with issues with mail server). I had only one call telling that messages which had been starred are no longer starred (but there was no clear info if this was in mail software or in webmail). Currently I see high disk usage while all grp files are being scanned so I'm waiting for this process to end. CPU usage is at about 20% (2x 6core CPU) and RAM on 20GB usage (from 96GB).

EDIT2: I had personally on my own mobile device issue with WebDav error on DAVx5 app which is syncing tasks, contacts and calendar using WebDav. All I did was removing my configuration and add it again.
Ben Replied
Locked out some of my EAS accounts today, Samsung Mail says I need to give it full admin access to my phone. Remote wipe and everything is turned OFF in the domain settings in SM so not sure why this is appearing.

Miguel Encarnação Replied
After updating I started getting absurd RAM usage.
My server is running on a VM with 128GB of RAM and an average usage of 30GB.
After updating the Smartermail Service uses all the RAM it can get, after abour 90 minutes it is using >120GB of RAM and I must manually restart the service.

Anyone else got this problem? Did you manage to fix it?

Thanks in advance
Zach Sylvester Replied
Employee Post
Hey Miguel, 

That is no good. We just fixed a memory issue last build so it must be something else. 
I recommend rebooting the server after upgrading just to clear everything from memory so there are no leftovers from the old version. If the issue continues please create a ticket with us so we can get a dot memory from your server and send that to the devs so we can quickly fix this issue. 

Kind Regards, 

Zach Sylvester Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Miguel Encarnação Replied
Hey Zach,
We did restart it several times to no avail.
We event stopped all outside access (all services but web) and it would rise to 128GB nonetheless.
We opened a ticket, hopefully it will be quick.

Best Regards
Karl Jones Replied

This is what at least one of my clients is still getting now. Showed up with 8451 (i think that was the version) still not fixed. User is using Outlook 2019.

J Lee Replied
I'm also seeing emails that were marked as "Trusted Sending" being sent to the spam folder. 
J. Sebastian Lee Service2Client LLC 6333 E Mockingbird Ste 147 Dallas, TX 75214 - 877.251.3273
Rafael Grecco Replied
I updated one of my servers from 8451 to 8545 two days ago.

This server has 4500 users using AD for authentication. 90% of users use Webmail and about 10% use IMAP (no MAPI).

Everything is running smoothly so far. Not a single problem reported.
On version 8451, average CPU usage was between 10% and 20%. The day after the update, CPU usage was around 70%, but it has lowered to around 30% today.

Memory usage was around 25Gb on 8451, now its around 30Gb on 8545.
Brian Bjerring-Jensen Replied
Only thing so far is that using MAPI and booking shared ressources shows them as tentative instead of busy.
Matthew Titley Replied
Did anyone else notice this in the release notes?

  • Fixed: When impersonating a user while viewing the spool, the browser session can be logged out, and logging back in has some interesting consequences.
I got a bang out of that.

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