Content Filters - Build 8496
Problem reported by Vahn Babigian - 4/12/2023 at 10:44 AM
We are seeing some problems with content filters on both the domain and individual user levels. When trying to modify an individual user's preexisting content filter upon saving the change we are logged out. The save is not finalized. At the domain level a content filter that forwards and email with the choice of deleting the email from the original mailbox never makes it to the forwarded email box. If the delete feature is turned off the email is forwarded ok. The delete feature seems to just delete the email and not just from the original email location. 


7 Replies

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Michael Replied
Vahn Babigian  we saw exact same thing 
At the domain level a content filter that forwards and email with the choice of deleting the email from the original mailbox never makes it to the forwarded email box. If the delete feature is turned off the email is forwarded ok.
We have an open ticket on this.
We think what's happening is the delete is happening on both the original recipient and the forwarded user's box.
Zach Sylvester Replied
Employee Post
Hey Vahn, 

I had a screen share with Michael and with his system, as an example, I was able to replicate the content filter issue at the domain level. I did see that he got logged out while saving a content filter at the user level but I thought that it might just be Signel R related. I was able to replicate this and it has been sent to the development team as well. 

Thank you, guys, both for bringing these issues to our attention so we can get them fixed quickly and efficiently. 

Kind Regards, 
Zach Sylvester Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Vahn Babigian Replied
Build 8506 appears to have fixed the content filter deletion problem and the problem with the browser quitting on saving a action has forwarded. 
Michael Replied
I can confirm. Build 8506 appears to have fixed the content filter deletion problem.
Arnaud Tual Replied
We upgraded Build 8506. When we send an email to dedicated email then content filter is not coming in Raw content of ticket. 

We are using content filters for extracting few information and it stopped working.

Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Arnaud, 

I see that you have a support ticket submitted for this issue. These seems slightly different than what was reported on this thread, but I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of it. 
Eira Jeremy Replied
It appears that there are issues with content filters at both the domain and individual user levels. If the delete feature is turned off, the email is forwarded successfully, but if it is turned on, the email is deleted and not forwarded.
Thanks Zach!

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