I have a client that says their emails are being auto deleted
Question asked by Vince - 3/24/2023 at 3:32 PM
I Have a client that says their emails are being auto deleted after 90 days.
Is there a setting that I missed somewhere in smartermail that does this? 
I cant seem to find any setting in smartermail that does this.

7 Replies

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Tan Replied
Maybe they have accidentally setup POP3 on their mobile? Or maybe Outlook with auto delete under POP3 feature?
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Vince, 

As Tan mentioned, it's possible that the user has connected an email client via POP, and the email client has a setting to delete email at 90 days. 

Alternatively, it's possible that Folder Auto-Clean is enforced at the system, domain or user level. To check this: 
  1. As the System Administrator, go to Settings > General. Look for a card titled Folder Auto-Clean and check to see if you have any system rules in place. 
    • If your system policy has "Allow domains to override auto-clean settings" disabled, note that any rules you have at the system level will be enforced for all users. 
    • If "Allow domains to override auto-clean settings" is enabled, you should check the domain's settings so you can see if they might be enforcing an auto-clean.
  2. To do that, go to your Domains grid and edit the domain in which this client resides. Then, click on the General tab and look for the Folder Auto-Clean card. 
    • If that domain's policy has "Allow users to override auto-clean settings" disabled, note that any rules they have in place will be enforced for all users on that domain. 
    • If "Allow domains to override auto-clean settings" is enabled, you should check the user's settings so you can see if they might be enforcing an auto-clean on themself. 
  3. To do that, click on the Accounts tab and impersonate the user. You should be taken directly to their Account Settings. Look for the Folder Auto-Clean card to determine if they're enforcing any rules on their own. 
If neither POP or Folder Auto-Clean are the culprit, I'd encourage you to start a support ticket so we can look into this for you. (Any license with active Maintenance and Support is eligible for technical support, and you can start a ticket by logging into your SmarterTools account and navigating to My Tickets

Kind regards,
Vince Replied
I checked the autoclean settings and they are not set.
The email that is being deleted after 90 days is being deleted from the deleted items folder. 

I also checked the autoclean log and do not see any entries there, I set the logging for detailed.

They claim to not be using any outlook or phone for email, just the webmail interface.

One thing I notice in the administrator log, is :

 IMAP Attempting to login user:  user123
then I also see this..
Webmail Attempting to login user: user123

Does this mean the user is using an external app connecting via IMAP, or does loging into webmail show this as IMAP as well?


Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Hi Vince, the administrative log entries you're seeing indicate the user is connecting via both webmail and an email client (IMAP connectivity) like Outlook or Thunderbird.
Kyle Kerst System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Employee Replied
Employee Post
If you change your IMAP logs to detailed, it should show more information about the activity, including deletions via IMAP. Please submit a support ticket from My Tickets if you'd like our help in deciphering the logs. 

Kind regards,
Vince Replied
Marked As Answer
It looks like they had the account setup on another device and didnt realize it.  

Thanks for your help!

Employee Replied
Employee Post
That's great to hear, Vince! Thank you for the update. 

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