Embed compose email
Idea shared by Roger - 3/17/2023 at 10:26 AM
I have a hard time using the webmail with the popup windows to write, reply or forward an email.

I prefer the directly integrated version, like Microsoft 365 does flawlessly and offers the possibility to undock a window from the main view, which then opens the popup. More and more web applications are going this way and the PopUp variant seems rather antiquated and annoying to me these days.

kind regards,

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Hello Roger,
I was writing about this issue. Have you found a way to do it? I really need some help with it, as it seems a bit antiquated, really 

I see you haven't answered here, so I hope you find an alternative way to handle it.

Best regards,

Just FYI, Many of us prefer the antiquated. If it works it works. Over the weekend I used gmail for the first time in about 4 years and was furious I could not move the compose a new email window to where i wanted it. It was stuck inside of the main window and i thought that is so restrictive why would anyone want that ? I literally said out loud "Thank God for Smarter Mail working properly."

Edit* - Maybe have the embedded as an "opt in" option that can be turned on, but not as the default setting.
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Yep, I agree with your edit. 
Indeed, I was searching for a way to undock the window and reply to messages in the main view just for one account. 
The other users are not bothering me, hahaha. I hope this feature comes soon.

See ya 

We obviously have different opinions, but that's a positive thing. That's why I also wrote that you can simply undock the composition of mails like in Outlook online, which opens the popup.

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