Encrypting Email planned for future releases?
Idea shared by Steve Guluk - 2/8/2023 at 1:52 PM
We are seeing various clients that send documents back and forth request Encrypting Email similar to Zix and the Encrypt Email Pilot program (part of the California Consumer Privacy Act).
It seems the recipient needs get sent a password that they can enter and open encrypted emails for a 12 hour period.

This seems like it could take off and hopefully SmarterTools is aware and ahead of the game with an offering in future versions.

Anything in the works we should know about?

6 Replies

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Their is a lot of complexity to implementing a Zixmail-type solution.  The outbound gateway device or function has to intercept the restricted message and redirect it to a web server.,   Then the web server needs to send the user a replacement message instructing him to connect to the web server to create an account and pick up his mail.   On all the known implementations, this is a cloud-based website provided by the application vendor, not an on-premise solution.   Up to this point, SmarterTools has not attempted to be a cloud service vendor, and it strikes me as a money-loser for them.

I suggest buying a Barracuda appliance.   The appliance is capacity-limited, which is reasonable, rather than per-user-licensed, which gets expensive quickly.

Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
There is a LOT of support and maintenance, security, user training, updates and testing, etc that goes along with cloud hosting a solution like SmarterMail and I'm betting thats the biggest detractor for us Doug. Maybe in the future!
Kyle Kerst System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Just an update or check-in....
Is anyone using ZIX or something comparable???   We host some entities that are wanting to implement.

Just on a note...

What about a solution that only lets you open en email in outlook or webmail if you use the code sent via a phonenumber?

A simple solution that will cover everything people need
I think this should stay with dedicated solutions such as Seppmail, Ciphermail, Zertificon etc.
Brian, anyone can implement file based encryption today, by using password-protected files as attachments.   But files have no beakin evasion defenses, so an attacker can try as many times as he wants.   Secure email solutions are designed to ensure a trusted connection for message drop-off, message storage, and message pickup.  Encrypted attachments add additional protection against account compromise, so they are desirable for defense-in-depth.

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