in ST viewing Email Communications drop down arrow button removed
Question asked by Host Automate - 1/25/2023 at 11:26 PM
We recently upgraded to the latest ST version the only missing feature we encountered is missing of drop down arrow icon from email communications. This option was very useful when you have lot of communications in a ticket and quickly want to jump on other thread communication.

Hope you got it what I am pointing toward. Any idea how this feature can be enabled back in Smarter Track ?

3 Replies

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Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Is this the functionality you are referencing here? These arrows were present in version 14 and allowed you to navigate between replies:
The latest release of SmarterTrack received a visual update and it looks like this functionality was removed in the process. I can definitely see use in bringing it back so I'm going to submit a feature request on this for you now.
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Employee Replied
Employee Post

While the arrow was removed, you can hold down Ctrl (control) and use the up and down arrows to move between messages in the thread.
Host Automate Replied
Dear Kyle & Emily,
Thanks for your answer and suggestion. We would like to have this drop down arrow available with which our staff was very use too with it.
Thanks for considering it back.

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