Include Headers when scrolling Preview Pane
Idea shared by kevind - 1/4/2023 at 5:31 PM
Small change to improve webmail -- scroll the entire preview pane like Gmail and other web apps do.

The preview window has separate rows for all these header items, which leaves very little room to read the actual message, especially on laptops:
  • Reply / Delete / Junk / etc. buttons
  • *Subject
  • *From
  • *To
  • *Unsubscribe bullet
  • *Show Images bullet
  • *Tracker privacy bullet
  • Body of message
Only the last item, Body of message, scrolls up/down. If we can include all the starred (*) items in the scroll window, this will provide much more functionality and ease-of-use, allowing the user to read more of the message without having to open it in a separate window.

Keep in mind that the Subject, From, and To is already visible in the list of messages in the middle column, so OK if it scrolls off in the preview pane. Thanks!

6 Replies

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Bump for people to review, comment, and vote on this.
I agree. Implementing this change would align the webmail interface with the functionality of other popular email clients like Gmail, enhancing user satisfaction and productivity.
Mariah, thanks for the bump on this idea from 15 months ago!

Yes, this would be a valuable enhancement for SmarterMail's UI and could get more people to use webmail instead of a mail client which is more difficult to support. I'm surprised it only has 4 votes.

Seems like many reports of problems with MAPI and other protocols.

So just bumping this idea to make webmail more powerful and reduce the need to install, support, and update clients.

Jorel Haggard Replied
Employee Post
I like this idea Kevin, and I completely agree that it would simplify our support process by enhancing webmail usage. Thanks for continuing to bump its visibility!
Jorel Haggard System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
www.HawaiianHope.org - Providing technology services to non profit organizations, low income families, homeless shelters, clean and sober houses and prisoner reentry programs. Since 2015, We have refurbished over 11,000 Computers !

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