Duplicate message generated for calendar meeting one month after original message
Problem reported by Mark Thornton - 8/14/2022 at 12:10 PM
Build 8223
I have a situation where a meeting was created on 7/13/22 for 8/10/22. Messages to users was sent out on 7/13/22. Yesterday, 8/13/22 the same message was sent out again for the meeting scheduled for 8/10/22. I am unable to determine from the messages, the calendar entry, or any of the logs I searched through, how the original meeting was scheduled. I don't know what device, what client app, what ip address, etc.

In looking for this info I noticed SmarterMail apparently doesn't record that info on any message that is created by an authenticated user. Any message I open from an internal user doesn't show that info in the header. Where can I find that sort of connection info for local users? I'm trying to figure out if some client actually resent/recreated the meeting thereby generating the duplicate messages but there isn't sufficient data to identify the source specifics. Any suggestions on how to proceed? This particular issue has apparently been occurring without my knowledge and is now being used as evidence against SmarterMail as a reliable email platform. Yes, there is a revolt underway and decision makers are affected and applying pressure. Which makes the inability to track messages in the system even more troubling.

3 Replies

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Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Hey Mark! This isn't one I've seen before, but would lead me to believe one of the connected clients triggered some kind of an update. As you've already surmised; knowing where the appointment was created from (protocol and client type/version) is critical, as is knowing those details on who sent the update/invite again as well. Since those details aren't available at this point I'd recommend getting a clean resync done on the affected sender once you get upgraded to our latest release. 

If these issues pop up again there please collect the client type, version, any addons/extensions being used in the client that relate to appointment scheduling, protocol being used to sync, and details surrounding how the appointment was created and let us know. I hope that helps!
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Mark Thornton Replied
I'm trying to tease out the details on how the meeting was originally created from the originator. The duplicate message to everyone went out four days after the meeting. How does one update/invite again? What actions could spur this result? I need some guidance so I know what leading questions to ask the originator. 

Who could have made the update/invite again? Who has rights to do that?

I'm asking because I need to be able to explain this incident. It is being weaponized in a campaign to move to some other mail system because of perceived faults. I would prefer to have some plausible reason for the problem and a proposed solution. It is obvious what their solution is. For me it is frustrating that no identifying information is stored that I can find that will help me determine how the meeting was created, and how it might have been updated/re-invited.
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
I believe the only person that could initiate an invite being sent/an updated invite being sent would be the organizer or someone who has edit permissions to the event like someone who has full control over that calendar and its associated appointments. So, this would make me suspicious of the original organizer's email client as a potential culprit. I see you submitted a ticket and Tony is taking a look, so you should be in good hands.

In the meantime though I went ahead and submitted a feature request to have more details logged either under a standard log category or via debug logging that will track appointment details, sender/attendee info, client and protocol information, etc. Hopefully this will come in handy in the future!
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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