2022.07.31] 08:12:24.810 [][41917958] rsp: 220 mx4.mydomain.com
[2022.07.31] 08:12:24.810 [][41917958] connected at 7/31/2022 8:12:24 AM
[2022.07.31] 08:12:24.810 [][41917958] Country code: US
[2022.07.31] 08:12:24.835 [][41917958] cmd: EHLO mta216a-ord.mtasv.net
[2022.07.31] 08:12:24.836 [][41917958] rsp: 250-mx4.mydomain.com Hello []250-SIZE 31457280250-AUTH LOGIN CRAM-MD5250-8BITMIME250-DSN250 OK
[2022.07.31] 08:12:24.860 [][41917958] cmd: MAIL FROM:<pm_bounces@pm-bounces.id.me> BODY=8BITMIME
[2022.07.31] 08:12:24.860 [][41917958] senderEmail(1): pm_bounces@pm-bounces.id.me parsed using: <pm_bounces@pm-bounces.id.me>
[2022.07.31] 08:12:26.685 [][41917958] rsp: 554 Sending address not accepted due to spam filter
[2022.07.31] 08:12:26.685 [][41917958] Mail rejected due to SMTP Spam Blocking: GBUDB (30,failed)
[2022.07.31] 08:12:26.718 [][41917958] cmd: QUIT
[2022.07.31] 08:12:26.718 [][41917958] rsp: 221 Service closing transmission channel
[2022.07.31] 08:12:26.718 [][41917958] disconnected at 7/31/2022 8:12:26 AM
[2022.07.31] 08:32:07.547 [][9277749] rsp: 220 mx4.mydomain.com
[2022.07.31] 08:32:07.547 [][9277749] connected at 7/31/2022 8:32:07 AM
[2022.07.31] 08:32:07.548 [][9277749] Country code: US
Where does the spam filter for the above come from? I checked our spam filters and found no reference to that IP or IP range.
We do have declude running.. but wouldn't expect their filter to show up here?