Full delivery log for this message below. There is no "TotalSpamWeight" in any of our log files, smtp or delivery.
There are no overrides at the user-level. The user shows the same global spam settings when I browse (impersonate) to that user's spam settings. Domain-level content filtering (not spam-check) is also not setup with any rules - there should not be any type of conflict between domain vs spam content filtering. It should be unrelated, but figure this should be mentioned.
10:28:12.301 [8909127] Delivery started for <redacted> at 10:28:12 AM
10:28:15.301 [8909127] Added to SpamCheckQueue (0 queued; 2/30 processing)
10:28:15.301 [8909127] [SpamCheckQueue] Begin Processing.
10:28:15.301 [8909127] Blocked Sender Checks started.
10:28:15.301 [8909127] Blocked Sender Checks completed.
10:28:15.301 [8909127] Spam Checks started.
10:28:28.520 [8909127] Spam Check results: [_SPF: 0,Pass], [UCEPROTECT LEVEL 1: 0,passed], [DOMAINS <5 DAYS OLD: 0,passed], [REVERSE DNS LOOKUP: 0,Passed], [NULL SENDER: 0,passed], [_INTERNALSPAMASSASSIN: 0:0], [_DK: 0,None], [_DKIM: 0,Pass], [_CUSTOMRULES: Content Filter - 2 Medium: 8;Content Filter - 1 Low: 4;], [URIBL - MULTI: 0,passed]
10:28:28.520 [8909127] Spam Checks completed.
10:28:28.520 [8909127] Removed from SpamCheckQueue (3 queued or processing)
10:28:30.333 [8909127] Added to LocalDeliveryQueue (0 queued; 1/50 processing)
10:28:30.333 [8909127] [LocalDeliveryQueue] Begin Processing.
10:28:30.333 [8909127] Starting local delivery to <redacted>
10:28:30.333 [8909127] Process delivery status notification step from local recipient success. Recipient: [<redacted>], Notify: [], Delivered: [True], Forwarded: [False], Deleted: False
10:28:30.333 [8909127] Delivery for <redacted> to <redacted> has completed (Delivered)
Filter: None10:28:30.333 [8909127] End delivery to <redacted> (MessageID: <redacted>)
10:28:30.333 [8909127] Removed from LocalDeliveryQueue (0 queued or processing)
10:28:30.333 [8909127] Removing Spool message: Killed: False, Failed: False, Finished: True
10:28:30.333 [8909127] Delivery finished for <redacted> at 10:28:30 AM [id:8909127]