Issues since a few days while redacting posts here on the community
Problem reported by Sébastien Riccio - 7/26/2022 at 9:07 PM

I just would like to ask if anyone else is having trouble while typing stuff here in the community.

Since a few days, when I use backspace to correct myself while redacting posts, the editor goes bozo, like for example the cursor going back a few words when using backspace, instead of just removing the previous typed char.

It's a nightmare to write something, so I have to first prepare the post in a notepad window instead of typing it directly here.

Maybe it's an issue on my side, but weird :)

OS: Win11 / Browser: Brave

Kind regards

Sébastien Riccio
System & Network Admin

2 Replies

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Tim Uzzanti Replied
Employee Post
It isn't you.  We are running the upcoming release of SmarterTrack which has an updated Froala Editor.  Unfortunately, we are  seeing some bugs with their latest update and will be rolling back to a previous version today.
Tim Uzzanti CEO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Sébastien Riccio Replied
Hello Tim,

Thank you for the info. I wanted to be sure it wasn't a known issue before starting looking for a browser extension conflicting or so at my side.

Kind regards.
Sébastien Riccio System & Network Admin https://swisscenter.com

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