how to filter emails that has an equal statement(example: "=myemail@domain.com") in the link in the message body
Question asked by fn ln - 5/29/2022 at 5:22 AM
in the name of Allah
hi all,
I am receiving some spams from different domains but I have found a repeated pattern in the body of all email spams: (my email is for example: myemail@mydomain.com)
all of them have a text that refer to a link pattern like below:
so I want to have a content filtering on "=myemail@mydomain.com" in the link but it does not working. if I write the link text as normal text (and not as a link) in the body of email it works  so I know how to use content filtering. but the problem is that it does not work when I have a link in the body. but I guess the problem is from the equal-sign-in-the-link filtering.
any help?

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Zach Sylvester Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer

Thank you for reaching out to the SmarterTools community. If you create a rule like this it should work for you. 

Here is a test that I did. 

Please let me know if this helps. 

Kind Regards, 
Zach Sylvester Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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