Activate MFA for Smartertrack
Idea shared by Emanuele Tomasi - 4/20/2022 at 8:43 AM
Under Consideration

as discussed with Zach, I'm asking if there will be the possibility to make an authentication in Smartertrack using an OTP (Microsoft Authenticator, DUO, etc...) to improve the security.

I'm asking this because our Smartertrack istance is published and we don't want to be hacked.

I think that you should consider it.
Thank you.

4 Replies

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Zach Sylvester Replied
Employee Post

Thanks for posting this here. I went ahead and escalated this as a feature request. 

Have a great rest of your day. 

Kind Regards, 
Zach Sylvester Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Hello Zach,

Is it any step forward regarding this request ? 

I was wondering if you already support Azure AD and if yes then our Azure AD can handle the 2FA by itself.

Based on our security policies, we have to remove all applications who have a simple login + password of our production environments till the end of the year. 

If you have any possibility to connect Azure AD directly, my question is over :-)

Thanks for your feedback
Artionet.Group - Digital Transformation, eGovernment Solutions
The Microsoft Authenticator app can easily be hacked. Avoid any app and use plain sms for the MFA.

Its simple and doesnt require a signup to a service and you have allready protected your phone via fingerprint or code.
Using the Azure AD connector doesn't mean that you obligatory need to use the Microsoft App as a 2FA. It can be linked to multiple different apps and does 2 things great for me : 

  1. SSO - Single Sign-on, which makes authentication transparent and avoids re-entering access data for modern jobs
  2. Guarantees tracking and access to company data via a centralized IDP
Many vendors now offer the Azure AD connector natively. 
Artionet.Group - Digital Transformation, eGovernment Solutions

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