Serever 2012 upgrade to Server2019 - SMAIL will not load domains and users
Problem reported by Randy Armbrecht - 4/18/2022 at 5:59 AM
We attempted (long overdue I know) to upgrade our Server 2012 OS to 2019 yesterday. After completion, SMAIL app was not able to read and load the domains.  I can log in to the web admin, but 0 domains / 0 users.  Had to revert back to backup after an hour of trying to get it to work.   Noted, We are still on the older v15.7 SM version.  I wanted to upgrade the OS first before upgrading the SMAIL App version. App version upgrade is scheduled for this upcoming weekend.

Any thoughts as to what Server 2019 changed that could be causing this?  I thought about the WAC, and reset the ports on that to get off of the standard 80/443 for that.  Still didn't help

9 Replies

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Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Hey Randy! I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble with this and would be happy to help point you in the right direction. When upgrading to our latest release we convert your XML configuration files to our new JSON based system, and I wonder if that process may have broken down during your upgrade, resulting in SmarterMail having an empty list of domains. Do you operate a backup software prior to your upgrades or anything else that may lock those XML files?

If this happens in the future you should be able to stop the SmarterMail system service, delete the JSON configuration files from our Service\Settings directory, restore the XML files from Legacy Archived Data, then start the service back up to have us try the conversion again. The added benefit of restoring them after the fact is that these files are likely untouched by whatever was locking them initially since we created them.

The other thing that can cause this is antivirus software, and I've seen them lock these files during upgrades in particular because those files are in use rapidly during that process. Let me know what you find out there! :-)
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Randy Armbrecht Replied
Hi Kyle,

we were not converting the SmarterMail app this go araound; we were upgrading just the OS of the server.  The App upgrade is planned for this upcoming weekend if I can get the OS updated
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Randy, 

Since your license has current Maintenance and Support I went ahead and created a support ticket on your behalf to get this issue looked at by one of our support agents. 
Paul Blank Replied
I am interested to see how this worked out. I also have a SM V15 install on Server 2012 (R2) that might want a server upgrade sometime. My guess is that I'll do a fresh install of the server on a new machine, with a free version of SM just to see if it's working, and then migrate the full version of SM + database over.
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Unfortunately Paul I've not yet heard back from the original poster, but am working to get in touch so we can dig into this one. 

By the way! If you want any help evaluating your data for upgrade let us know - we can take config-only backups, stage it here to simulate your environment, then upgrade to confirm there won't be any showstoppers when you upgrade the production environment. 
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Randy Armbrecht Replied
Good afternoon,

I haven't received anything by email on a ticket.  I've checked back in here to see if anything was posted. But haven't seen that either
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
@Randy: I checked out our delivery logs on this end and don't see any obvious issues here. We were able to successfully hand off messages to your MX3 instance per this latest logging. I had provided some guidance initially (above a few responses) and was hoping for feedback on your retest?
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Randy Armbrecht Replied
Hi Kyle,

what email address did the ticket get opened and sent to?
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
That would be your software@corp.... address associated with this community account :-)
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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