Cyren Zero Hour Outbreak Protection
Question asked by Montague WebWorks - 1/27/2022 at 10:27 AM
We are up for renewal and are looking at our bill and I wanted to ask the community their thoughts.

For sure we're going to continue our SM Maintenance and Support, because it's always been awesome, and being able to download updates at will is great.

Looking at the Reports, it appears Cyren Premium Anti Spam is doing its job, as well as Message Sniffer.

However, Cyren Zero Hour Outbreak Detection found two emails in a year, and on that same day ClamAV found ten, which, if Cyren comes first, Clam may have also found. Or MS Defender.

So, my question is, what is your experience with Cyren Zero Hour Outbreak Detection, and do you continue to pay for it?

Mik MullerMontague WebWorks

3 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Montague, 

Cyren Zero-Hour Outbreak Detection adds protection in the earliest moments of malware outbreaks and continued protection as each new variant emerges. It is intended to catch only NEW malware or new variants of existing malware. This is why we recommend that it's used as a complement to conventional antivirus technology as an additional protection against zero-hour virus outbreaks. This is also why you might see staggering differences between what Cyren Zero-hour will catch versus ClamAV or Windows Defender. 

Please see this description from our Online Help: 
Cyren Zero-hour Outbreak Detection
The Cyren Zero-hour Outbreak Detection add-on is a service that identifies new, "zero hour" viruses based on their unique distribution patterns and provides a complementary shield to conventional AV technology, protecting in the earliest moments of malware outbreaks and continuing protection as each new variant emerges.

I hope you get some feedback from other administrators as well with their experience. I just wanted to share this piece of information for anyone who isn't aware.
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
This is also the order we check things in. 
-CommandLine AV checks

Also once we find something we stop checking. So when directly comparing them we need to keep that in mind. I could see value in maybe having it always scan with all the available options, THEN do the virus found action.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Montague WebWorks Replied
Thanks for the information, Andrea and Matt. We still have another few weeks to think about it.

Will there ever be a cooperative relationship between SmarterMail and Webroot? I have it on my email server and it appears to severely interfere with SM. That would be an excellent addition to the chain.
Mik MullerMontague WebWorks

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