SysAdmin Reports Not Working After Migration
Problem reported by Scarab - 12/12/2021 at 2:13 PM
Migrated Smartermail Enterprise Build 7887 on Windows Server 2019 to a new bare-metal server with Windows Server 2022 and upgraded to Build 7957. Changed the location of the Archive and Logs. Everything seems to be working fine (had three user accounts that were corrupted in the process but restoring the previous settings.json for those users fixed them). However, the SysAdmin Reports are no longer working (note that the Domain and User Reports work just fine). The error in DevTools shows the following:

TypeError: e.charts[d(...)(...)] is undefined
    _ https://smartermail.scarabmedia.com/interface/output/site-v-100.0.7957.24844.8d98f5c6726e000.js:57
    _ https://smartermail.scarabmedia.com/interface/output/site-v-100.0.7957.24844.8d98f5c6726e000.js:57
    Angular 6
    _ https://smartermail.scarabmedia.com/interface/output/site-v-100.0.7957.24844.8d98f5c6726e000.js:57
    $broadcast Angular
    <anonymous> https://smartermail.scarabmedia.com/interface/output/site-v-100.0.7957.24844.8d98f5c6726e000.js:96
    makeProxyCallback https://smartermail.scarabmedia.com/interface/root#/sysadmin/manage line 2 > injectedScript:25
    a https://smartermail.scarabmedia.com/interface/output/vendor-v-100.0.7957.24844.8d98f5c6726e000.js:19303
    Angular 4
    init https://smartermail.scarabmedia.com/interface/output/vendor-v-100.0.7957.24844.8d98f5c6726e000.js:19303
    received https://smartermail.scarabmedia.com/interface/output/vendor-v-100.0.7957.24844.8d98f5c6726e000.js:19303
    Angular 4
    triggerReceived https://smartermail.scarabmedia.com/interface/output/vendor-v-100.0.7957.24844.8d98f5c6726e000.js:19303
    processMessages https://smartermail.scarabmedia.com/interface/output/vendor-v-100.0.7957.24844.8d98f5c6726e000.js:19303
    each Angular
    processMessages https://smartermail.scarabmedia.com/interface/output/vendor-v-100.0.7957.24844.8d98f5c6726e000.js:19303
    onmessage https://smartermail.scarabmedia.com/interface/output/vendor-v-100.0.7957.24844.8d98f5c6726e000.js:19303
    Angular 8
    _ https://smartermail.scarabmedia.com/interface/output/site-v-100.0.7957.24844.8d98f5c6726e000.js:57
    $broadcast Angular
    <anonymous> https://smartermail.scarabmedia.com/interface/output/site-v-100.0.7957.24844.8d98f5c6726e000.js:96
    makeProxyCallback https://smartermail.scarabmedia.com/interface/root#/sysadmin/manage line 2 > injectedScript:25
    a https://smartermail.scarabmedia.com/interface/output/vendor-v-100.0.7957.24844.8d98f5c6726e000.js:19303
    Angular 4
    init https://smartermail.scarabmedia.com/interface/output/vendor-v-100.0.7957.24844.8d98f5c6726e000.js:19303
    received https://smartermail.scarabmedia.com/interface/output/vendor-v-100.0.7957.24844.8d98f5c6726e000.js:19303
    Angular 4
    triggerReceived https://smartermail.scarabmedia.com/interface/output/vendor-v-100.0.7957.24844.8d98f5c6726e000.js:19303
    processMessages https://smartermail.scarabmedia.com/interface/output/vendor-v-100.0.7957.24844.8d98f5c6726e000.js:19303
    each Angular
    processMessages https://smartermail.scarabmedia.com/interface/output/vendor-v-100.0.7957.24844.8d98f5c6726e000.js:19303
    onmessage https://smartermail.scarabmedia.com/interface/output/vendor-v-100.0.7957.24844.8d98f5c6726e000.js:19303
Considering there were so many variables that changed it's hard to isolate where things may have went wrong. Any ideas of how to fix the SysAdmin Reports?

Also, the previous day's Archives have not been indexed, compressed, and moved from \Archive\Current to \Archive\Indexed (so I currently have two days of activity in \Archive\Current). I'm assuming that this isn't normal either but don't know if SmarterMail will catch it upon the next day.

4 Replies

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Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Hey Scarab. This might be a conversion of the statistics files taking place. Have you checked back since then to see if they sorted themselves out? The archival issues sounds like it may be locked files - do you see any file access in that directory outside of SM/IIS?
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Scarab Replied

The \Archives\Current did eventually get indexed, compressed, and moved to \Archive\Indexed. Apparently the timer for that function is exactly 12:00 AM, so if it is missed one day it completes the next time that function fires.

The SysAdmin reports issue is still persisting. The \Smartermail\Service\Settings\Stats\2021.12.stat4 hasn't updated since before the migration (it still has a Date Modified of 12/9/2021 12:19 PM and was migrated on 12/10/2021 at 11:59 PM). Whereas the \Smartermail\Domains\%domain.tld%\Stats\%username%\2021.12.stat4 have been updating, which would explain why Domain & User Reports are still running fine. I have verified permissions, made sure that it isn't locked or in use. I compared the file with the one from Build 7887 that worked and a diff shows the files are identical. If I remove the file the SysAdmin reports still won't load but then give a different error:

angular-v-100.0.7957.24844.8d98f5c6726e000.js:15638 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'updateValue')
    at site-v-100.0.7957.24844.8d98f5c6726e000.js:57
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at site-v-100.0.7957.24844.8d98f5c6726e000.js:57
    at Scope.$digest (angular-v-100.0.7957.24844.8d98f5c6726e000.js:19183)
    at Scope.$apply (angular-v-100.0.7957.24844.8d98f5c6726e000.js:19571)
    at angular-v-100.0.7957.24844.8d98f5c6726e000.js:21672
    at TaskTracker.completeTask (angular-v-100.0.7957.24844.8d98f5c6726e000.js:21302)
    at angular-v-100.0.7957.24844.8d98f5c6726e000.js:6882

So, from what I can surmise it appears that the problem is the 2021.12.stat4 file. It would appear that the \SmarterMail\Service\Settings\Stats updates for the previous day but unlike other triggers if the Service Stats miss their update timer they are not updated the next time that timer fires. (And if that is the case Reports will probably automagically start working on January 2nd, 2022.)

Is there any way to force an update of the 2021.12.stat4 file?
Scarab Replied
Just to let you know that Build 8025 resolved the issue with our corrupted stat4 file and Admin Reports are now able to load without an error just sans the data for how long the file was corrupted. It properly shows data before and after the corruption.
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
That is great news, glad to hear it!
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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